Mar 09, 2023

Great Bend’s Heizer Park improvements could cost $1 million

Posted Mar 09, 2023 4:00 PM

Great Bend Post

A master plan for improvements at Heizer Park in Great Bend have been sketched out, but no commencement on the upgrades has been set by the City of Great Bend. A goal to make improvements at the park in the southeast portion of the town was announced in 2020, and the Great Bend City Council said at February’s work session a timeline for Heizer is still unclear.

RELATED STORY: Entering design phase for Great Bend's Heizer Park improvements

Along with a restroom and new playground features, Great Bend Recreation Commission Director Chris Umphres said improvements to the grass area would add four soccer fields.

"We say soccer field but it's really irrigated, nice grass for kids to play on," said Umphres. "Right now it's kind of stickers. It's not great grass. We say soccer, but it's really nice grass."

The city was approved for a $161,000 grant through the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park for Heizer renovations. Great Bend is still waiting for a conceptual estimate, but Great Bend Interim City Administrator Logan Burns guessed $1 million is needed to complete the project.