Nov 17, 2022

Entering design phase for Great Bend’s Heizer Park improvements

Posted Nov 17, 2022 1:00 PM

Great Bend Post

A goal to make improvements to Great Bend’s Heizer Park was publicly announced in 2020 by city officials. To get things moving, the Great Bend Recreation Commission Board Monday approved a cost sharing agreement with the city to have a master plan designed.

A survey from two years ago, showed community members mostly wanted restrooms installed, lighting, playground features and soccer field improvements at Heizer.

Great Bend Rec Executive Director Chris Umphres said the master plan will get the design phase started.

 "Really, we haven't put any funds to this, and I don't know if we really intend to," said Umphres. "We want to be the visionary and help get it going. That's what our share of this is for."

The Master Planning Services Agreement is through Athco, LLC for a fee of $9,500. The City of Great Bend and Recreation Commission will split the cost.

The city was approved for a $161,000 grant through the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to make improvements to Heizer.