May 19, 2023

City of Great Bend dealing with damaged underground lines

Posted May 19, 2023 4:30 PM
Sewer line damage near Lakin and Polk in Great Bend.
Sewer line damage near Lakin and Polk in Great Bend.

Great Bend Post

In March, Nex-Tech announced the next phase of its fiber project in Great Bend. The first target area for fiber expansion in Great Bend is north of 10th Street and west of the railroad tracks. Contractors doing the work have run into some bumps by hitting various underground utilities. Great Bend Public Works Director Jason Cauley said the city is on top of it.

"We had a meeting with the contractors just this morning," he said Wednesday. "Us, Kansas Gas, and Wheatland Electric have met with them to address some issues that have been happening. Yes, there are some lines that have been hit. Those lines have been repaired or fixed, and we are in the process of working with them to help minimize the amount of damage to our utilities that has happened. Hopefully, in the future, there will be a reduction in that and it will be smooth sailing from here on out is what we're hoping."

A sewer line near the intersection of Lakin and Polk was hit Monday, displacing one household for at least one day. Cauley said there has been some shared blame in the complications, but the goal is to iron them out moving forward. The city has not incurred any extra expense for the repairs.

"Whatever damages they're liable for, we will turn it into their insurance," Cauley said. "Whatever damages we're liable for, we'll take care of."

Nex-Tech expects construction to be complete by the end of 2023.