Nov 23, 2022

Holiday Home Tour returns in Great Bend

Posted Nov 23, 2022 1:00 PM
2323 Broadway Avenue will be included in this year's Barton County Holiday Home Tour.
2323 Broadway Avenue will be included in this year's Barton County Holiday Home Tour.

Great Bend Post

Did you ever wonder what certain homes in Great Bend look like on the inside? Or maybe how others decorate their houses for the holidays? The annual Barton County Holiday Home Tour is back this year to allow folks to take a peek inside five decorated homes.

The Home Tour is Dec. 4 from 1-5 p.m. and ticket sales will benefit the Barton County Fair.

Fair Board President Charles Atkinson said the fundraiser gives a few community members a chance to show off their homes before Christmas.

"There are some homes out there that decorate beautifully for Christmas," said Atkinson. "There are also some nice homes that we've all wondered what they look like on the inside or how they changed them or decorated them. It's a fun time to get together and visit with the home owners. They've been gracious enough to open their homes and let us look around."

Tickets are $10 and will be available at the homes the day of the tour.

Tour homes:
3407 Meadowlark - Mike & Susan Carlson
2323 Broadway - Jessica Corcoran
2535 Broadway - Benjamin Moses & Stacy Farris
3220 Broadway - Mike & Tana Newkirk
3201 16th - Kenny & Rhonda Penka