Great Bend Post
The Great Bend City Council has spent a considerable amount of time in
executive session over the last couple of months as the governing body
discusses who to hire as the next city administrator. The council spent 20
minutes Monday night behind closed doors concerning the city administrator position
but had no action following the session. Interim City Administrator Logan Burns
said in his report the process is zeroed in on a candidate.
"We're still in the process," said Burns. "We're discussing the final candidate for the administrator position. We hope to have that process wrapped up in the immediate future."
There were 25 applicants for the city administrator job after it became
available with Kendal Francis’ resignation in early January. Three finalists
were selected for extended interviews. Burns said earlier this month Great Bend
is hoping for a June start date for the next administrator.
Burns has been serving as interim administrator since being appointed last
December with Police Chief Steve Haulmark acting as Burns’ consultant.
Strategic Government Resources (SGR) was hired for $18,500 to handle the search for the next administrator. The search closed Feb. 17 for a position that has a salary range of $114,000 to $171,000.