May 31, 2024

New round of lead and copper surveys out for Great Bend residents

Posted May 31, 2024 11:45 AM

From the city of Great Bend

As many have noticed, a new round of surveys has been released. We are still trying to gather information to complete our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated survey. This second round of surveys is to reach those who did not respond or answered unknown on the previous survey. We have received many questions regarding this. Here are the steps to help with completing your survey.

Conducting the Water Line Inventory
For most homes and buildings built after 1988, the presence of lead is less prevalent. However, there is still a chance that lead material could have been used in residential water lines following this date. For this reason, it is important for all property owners in the community to conduct their own on-site inspection and determine what material type their water line is made of - lead, copper, galvanized steel, or plastic.

To complete the EPA’s required water line inventory, the City will need property owners’ assistance with verifying water line material. Through basic tests or observation, property owners can provide the City with what type of material their water line is made of – lead, copper, galvanized steel, or plastic. Follow these basic steps to determine what your water line material is and use the online self-reporting tool to share your findings with the City of Great Bend.  

  1. Find the water shut-off valve on your property – located likely in your basement or utility closet.
  2. Look for the pipe that comes through the outside wall or floor of your home that connects the water meter to your home or building.
  3. If the pipe is painted, use sandpaper or a key to expose a small section of the metal.
  4. Determine your water line material using the reference guide.
  5. Send us your results by going to this link and filling out the online survey method) or emailing them to [email protected] or submit the Water Line Inspection Form by printing it out and writing your answers which can be found at  and dropping it off at any location that has a utilities drop box or to City Hall at 1209 Williams Street or the Front Door 1615 10th Street.

Funding for this assistance is provided through a contractual agreement between the Kansas Department of Health & Environment State Revolving Fund Set-aside and JEO Consulting Group.

Any questions or concerns contact the City of Great Bend Utilities Department, (620)793-4170.