Eagle Media Center-12th & Baker: 1.17
3-miles No. of Alexander: Charles Austin: 2.10
LaCrosse Sale Barn-Ryan Zeltwanger: 1.25
North of Albert-Steve Schneider: 1.00
Quail Creek, Great Bend: Kevyn Soupiset: 1.74
North of Susank-Don Mai: 1.20
No. of Larned/West of Great Bend-Gerald Oetken: 1.01
Seward Metroplex - Richard Devine: 1.29
So. of Rush Center-Marvin Schneider: 1.50
South Hoisington-London Reif: .97
Bissell Point, No. of Great Bend-Phil G: 1.43
American Plains Coop test plot West of G.B.: 1.12
West Great Bend-Juan Yureva: 1.02
BTI South of Great Bend: 1.15
Panning Ranch East of Ellinwood: 1.40
Great Bend High School-Mike Courson: .85
West of Larned: Gary Wagner: 1.40
North of Hollyrood-Andrew: 1.18
North Larned-Garrett Fitzpatrick: 1.63
Just South of G.B. Cemetery-Deb Koch: 1.20
Claflin - Jere Buehler: 1.10
24th & Jackson-Darin Hall: .80
5-Miles So. of Albert-Joey Bahr: 1.10
Northeast Ellinwood-Glen Hertel: 1.50