From the City of Claflin...
Beginning around Dec. 26, and continuing through Jan. 2, the Claflin Police Department will join many other law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, in the New Year’s Taking Down DUI traffic enforcement campaign.
The New Year’s Holiday period outranks most of the other holidays in number of crashes in which at least one of the drivers is impaired.
So, plan ahead. Leave your car at home and ride with a designated driver or take other transportation services. If you are hosting a party, make sure everyone has a sober ride home. If you see what appears to be an impaired driver, please call 911, you might just save a life.
From your local officers, we ask that you start the new year the right way and have a designated driver, walk to your party, or stay where you are at. Make the right decision and don’t drive while under the influence. Please do not put yourself, your family, and community members at risk.