A series of weed management schools will take place in northwest and north central Kansas during the month of February and are hosted by local K-State Research & Extension county and district offices.
Controlling difficult weeds continues to be a significant challenge for producers. To address the topic of weed control, K-State Research and Extension has scheduled five regional weed control programs. This program has been designed to help producers and agri-business retailers improve weed control with challenging species and weather conditions.
February 12 in St. Francis - 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Cheyenne Co. 4-H Building
February 13 in Phillipsburg - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Phillips Co. Fair Building
February 13 in Ness City - 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Ness County 4-H Building
February 17 in Mankato - 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mankato Community Center 214 N. High Street
February 18 in Holyrood - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. St. Peter Lutheran Church Parish Hall 209 S County Rd
Presenters at the schools include Sarah Lancaster, K-State extension weed specialist, Jeremie Kouame, K-State weed scientist, and local KSRE extension agents. Topics will include:
· A systems approach to weed management
· Pre-emergent herbicides and climate
· Strategic and occasional tillage for weed management
· Know your K-State Chemical Weed Control book
Three credit hours for 1A certification and CCA credits have been applied for.
There is no cost for the schools. However, pre-registration is requested by Monday, February 10th for all meetings. You can register online at www.northwest.ksu.edu/events or by calling your local Extension Office.
K-State Crop Talk online webinar series is back and set to start on February 11, 2025. The Crop Talk series will highlight several topics important to crop producers in north central and northwest Kansas. Continuing education credits will be offered, with one credit for each session.
Each webinar will begin at 12:00 pm (CST) and last until 1:00 pm, beginning with the first on Tuesday, February 11.
Upon registration, participants will receive an email with instructions on how to attend via Zoom or YouTube. These virtual webinars are open to all, and there is no cost. Register online only once at https://www.northwest.k-state.edu/events or call your local extension office.
February 11 – Weed Management in the Age of New Technology, Sarah Lancaster, K-State Weed Science Specialist.
February 18 – Getting the Most out of Your Irrigation Water, Jonathan Aguilar, K-State Irrigation Engineer.
February 25 – Leveraging Precision Ag Tools, Deepak Joshi, K-State Precision Ag Specialist.
March 4 – Dryland Tillage and Rotations, Lucas Haag, K-State Northwest Area Agronomist.
March 11 – A New Corn Disease: Corn Stunt, Anthony Zukoff, K-State Entomologist, and Rodrigo Onofre, K-State Plant Pathologist.