From the City of Russell...
The Russell City Council and staff hosted a BBQ lunch at the City Building to celebrate Public Service Recognition Week. The event honored the men and women who serve the community as local government employees. Over 100 attendees from the city, county, and school districts attended.
The mayor, councilmembers, and city fire chief were chefs for the day, grilling hamburgers, brats, and hotdogs while also serving sides of potato and macaroni salad, baked beans, and chips. The city's management team assisted by organizing and setting up the event and ensuring everyone was served.
Public Service Recognition Week, designated by the President and Congress, is celebrated annually during the first full week of May to honor public employees who put service above self. At the heart of this week is the recognition and appreciation of public employees for their dedication and service.
"Public servants serve Americans daily at the federal, state, county, and city levels," said Mayor Jim Cross. "These unsung heroes do the work that keeps our communities working."
The BBQ lunch, made possible by private donations, was a testament to the collective effort of the city team. It was a gesture to thank and recognize the accomplishments and contributions of government employees at all levels. The council members and staff took great pride in cooking and serving the BBQ lunch, and the unity and teamwork made the event a success.
"We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who attended for all that they do for their organizations and the Russell community," added Councilmember Brad Wagner. "We are truly better together."
In addition to honoring the dedication of city employees, the Russell City Council and management team expressed gratitude to its partners at the county and USD 407, highlighting the dedication, support, and collaboration that create successful outcomes for the community.