Great Bend Post
When a snow storm hits, and many citizens are left to shovel their way out of the driveway and trudge their way through the residential streets, there is a reason why city crews do not plow or grade side streets.
Great Bend Mayor Cody Schmidt asked Great Bend Public Works Director Jason Cauley at Monday’s city council meeting if there was a plan to clear the side roads after this past weekend’s snow accumulation.
"If we go plowing a residential street, we're going to block driveways," said Cauley. "We would spend a lot of our time unblocking driveways, just like on 24th Street was a big issue. At this moment, we don't really foresee taking care of residential streets."
Cauley noted if residents have a major snow drifting issue, they are encouraged to call the city office. City officials will determine if the issue is something they can resolve.
"It's also very difficult for our equipment to get down residential streets," added Cauley."
City crews spent 13 hours on Sunday grading and plowing snow off the main snow routes throughout Great Bend. Along with the heavily trafficked streets, routes to hospitals, first responder facilities and schools are given priority when treating roads.