Dec 19, 2023

Barton County Commission Agenda (12/19)

Posted Dec 19, 2023 2:15 PM

The Commission meeting will be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. Citizens may view the meeting through their own sign in or by signing in “anonymously”. Please follow this link: If you wish to participate in the discussion of any item, please call (620) 793-1800 for instructions.

Agenda Meeting
December 19, 2023
9:00 a.m. Until Close

A. Call Meeting to Order.
B. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Consider Approval of the Agenda.
D. Minutes of the December 12, 2023, Regular Meeting are not available.
E. Any citizen wishing to make statements during the discussion of any item must first be recognized by the Commission Chair. After being recognized, that person should state their name and the name of any organization represented. Statements should be limited to five minutes. F. Please silence all phones and electronic devices. Recording the meeting is allowed and the Commission requests that anyone using special recording equipment be seated in the back row to avoid creating a distraction during the meeting

-Bev Schmeidler, County Clerk, will present details. An Accounts Payable Register will be submitted to the Commission for the period of December 5, 2023, and ending December 19, 2023.

- Items tabled, or scheduled, from previous Commission Meetings, will be heard at this time.
ITEM A. ROOF REPAIR: Barton County Courthouse:
-Matt Patzner, County Administrator, will present details. In July of this year, certain County buildings sustained damage as a result of the hailstorm. Included therein is the roof on the Courthouse. After insurance adjusters inspected the roof, it was suggested that repairs be made. In addition to storm damage, work will address measures called for in the HVAC project. This item was tabled on December 12, 2023.

- All new business to be considered by the Commission will be heard at this time.
ITEM A. COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE: Cereal Malt Beverage License
-Ms. Schmeidler will provide details. Per K.S.A. 41-2702, no retailer shall sell any cereal malt beverage without having secured a license for that business. When a business is located in the unincorporated portion of the County, that application shall be made to the Board of County Commissioners. License renewals for 2024 will be presented.

-25: A Resolution Providing for a Temporary Moratorium on Commercial Solar Energy Project Development within the Unincorporated Area of Barton County, Kansas:
-Judy Goreham, Environmental Manager, will provide details. During the May 10, 2023, County Commission Meeting, a Resolution was adopted providing for a temporary moratorium on Commercial Solar Energy Conversion System Development within the Unincorporated Area of Barton County, Kansas. The Planning Commission was instructed to develop the necessary regulations specific to Commercial Solar Energy Conversion Systems, solicit input from the agencies associated with Cheyenne Bottoms, work to delineate the map to match roads or property boundaries and conduct public hearings on the proposed regulations and any proposed map revisions. At the November 9, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Barton County Planning Commission, instructions were given to formally request an extension of 6-months to complete this process. Should the proposed Resolution be adopted, the moratorium would be extended.

Grant Deadline Extension:
-Matt Patzner, County Administrator, will provide details. In 2021, the Commission authorized a series of Façade Improvement Grants. There are approximately nine projects that remain unfinished. Generally these projects continue to be hampered by supply line and contractor issues. The Commission will be asked to extend the grant period to June 30, 2024.

ITEM D. FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2: Appointment of a Board of Trustees:
-Mr. Patzner will provide details. Per Resolution 2018-10, which created Fire District No. 2, the members of the Fire District Board of Trustees shall consist of not more than one (1) appointee from each participating township and not more than one (1) from each participating city. At this time, Albion and Eureka Township and Hoisington and Olmitz city representation is open. The positions expire December 31, 2025.

ITEM E. RESOLUTION 2023-26: Transfer of Funds, General Fund to All Stars:
-Mr. Patzner will provide details. The Commission approved a transfer of $3,000.00 from the Finance General Account of the General Fund to All Stars with the adoption of the budget. As there is no specific statute that allows such a transfer, it can only be made via Resolution.

Transfer to All-Stars:
-Mr. Patzner will provide details. The Commission will be asked to transfer $3,985.00 from the Special Alcohol Fund to All-Stars. Per Kansas Statute, Special Alcohol Funding shall only be expended for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of services or programs, whose principal purpose is alcoholism and drug abuse prevention and education, alcohol and drug abuse detoxification, intervention in alcohol and drug abuse, or treatment of persons who are alcoholics or drug abusers, or are in danger of becoming alcoholics and drug abusers. It is noted that All-Stars is a school-based prevention / intervention program designed to delay the onset of youth engaging in risky behaviors such as substance misuse, bullying, violence and sexual activity.

Other Change Orders – Under Resolution 2023-19 Threshold:
-Mr. Patzner will present details. Barton County has received notice of certain needed updates to the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning improvement project. These changes, individually, are under the threshold established with the adoption of Resolution 2023-19.

-Dereck Hollingshead, Information Technology Director, will provide details. Office 365 Business enables all computer users to have email hosting, protection and archiving as well as a desktop version of Office. It is suggested that the Commission approve the purchase of licenses for up to 185 users.

ITEM I. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 2023 Server Upgrade Project:
-Mr. Hollingshead will present details. In September, 2023, the Commission approved hardware and software upgrades to certain servers used for law enforcement measures for an anticipated cost of $45,000.00. As the project progresses, an additional $5,0000.00 in software needs has been identified.

ITEM J. COUNTY CLERK: Levy Calculation Update:
-Ms. Schmeidler will provide details. On December 5, 2023, Ms. Schmeidler released a statement noting a miscalculation of a portion of the 2023 tax levies. Ms. Schmeider has worked with the Commission and other members of the County’s leadership team to develop a resolution.

-Chairman Shawn Hutchinson will present. Any Commissioner may make a motion for the board to recess to executive session at this time as allowed by K.S.A. 75-4319. Any motion must contain the justification for the executive session, the subject matter to be discussed, any individuals in addition to the board who will attend the executive session and the time at which the regular session shall resume.

– After new items are heard by the Commission, the following items, including announcements, will be heard.

-Following the close of the Agenda Meeting, the Commission will consider the authorization of personnel changes for classified positions, sign any documentation approved during the agenda meeting or sign any other documentation required for regular County business. Similar action may take place throughout the day.
-County officials, individually or in groups, may visit the Courthouse or those buildings being used for displaced Courthouse offices during the HVAC improvement project. With the Courthouse located at 1400 Main, other buildings being used for housing are 1520 Main and 1709 Main, Great Bend, Kansas.

-The Central Kansas Community Corrections Advisory Board will meet at noon on Thursday, December 21, 2023, at the Barton County Office Building, 1806 – 12th, Great Bend, Kansas.

-Barton County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, December 25, 2023, and Tuesday, December 26, 2023, in observance of the Christmas Holiday. The Barton County Health Department and the Records Division of the Sheriff’s Office will also be closed during this time. The Barton County Landfill will be open regular hours on Saturday, December 24, 2023. The Landfill will be closed on Christmas Day and open from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 26, 2023. Emergency services will be in normal operation. As a result of the closings, the next regular meeting of the Commission will be 9:00 a.m., Thursday, December 28, 2023.

-Although subject to change, the following appointments have been scheduled:
10:15 a.m. or following the close of the Agenda Meeting –
Financial Update – Matt Patzner, Administrator.
10:30 a.m. – Public Hearing Outcome – Conditional Land Use
Application from Melissa Nelson, dba Performance Crop Research – Judy Goreham, Environmental Manager.
11:00 a.m. – Personnel – Darren Williams, County Works Director.
11:15 a.m. – Regular Business Discussion – Matt Patzner, County Administrator.
THE COUNTY EDITION, KVGB-AM – Thursdays at 11:05 a.m. Glennda French, Register of Deeds, is scheduled for December 21, 2023.

A. Discussion Items.
B. Citizens or organizations may present requests or proposals for initial consideration.
C. The Commissioners are available to the public on Tuesdays during regular business hours.
D. One or more Commissioners may be present in the Commission Chambers conducting county business throughout the day on Tuesdays.
E. The Commissioners may, individually, schedule personal appointments related to County business at their discretion.
F. The next Regular Meeting will be at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, December 28, 2023.