Jul 23, 2024

Barton Co. Health Dept. asking public to complete mental health survey

Posted Jul 23, 2024 12:00 PM

Great Bend Post

One goal of the Barton County Health Department is determining the needs of county residents. Mental health remains one of the largest problem areas. Katelyn Sigler, public health educator at the health department, said that's less about resources and more about the public not knowing about those resources. A new suicide prevention survey is aimed at raising awareness about those resources.

"We would like to hear from as many people as we can just to get the different populations in Barton County, and to reach everybody that's struggling," Sigler said. "Whatever you have going on, it's important, so we want to make sure you're being well taken care of."

The survey takes only about a minute to complete and all the information will remain anonymous.

"The only thing we ask for is your zip code," said Sigler. "We really like to stick with Barton County, so just the zip codes throughout Barton County. We don't ask for any personal information besides that; no name, no address, nothing like that. That's how we're keeping it anonymous."

CLICK HERE to take the survey. The survey may also be accessed via the Barton County Health Department's Facebook page, or by clicking the health department's website at bartoncounty.org.