News release
Roxie Yonkey, a best-selling author, will discuss her newest book, "Secret Kansas: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure," at two Hays venues: the Hays Public Library, 1205 Main, from 3-5 p.m. Friday, April 14, and at The Paisley Pear, 1100 Main, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, April 15.
Purchase a copy in advance at RoxieontheRoad.com/Shop.
The song “Home on the Range” is 150 years old this year, so the presentation begins with the story of Kansas’ official state song followed with some stories about Hays and Ellis County: Elizabeth Polly, the Blue Light Lady occasionally seen around historic Fort Hays, the Battle of the Saline River, the Buffalo Soldiers first casualty; and the Kansas Merci Boxcar museum within the Hays Veterans Memorial Park.

How well do you know Kansas? Two rounds of Kansas trivia will show what you know. The winner will receive a pack of naturally filtered Longford Water.
The book tour is also a research opportunity for Yonkey’s upcoming books, "Historic Kansas Roadsides" and "Amazing Kansas." The author is also preparing another book featuring famous Kansas women. During the presentation, patrons may advise her who she should include.
"Secret Kansas" is Yonkey’s third published book. She wrote the best-seller "100 Things to Do in Kansas Before You Die" and the Kansas section of the "Midwest Road Trip Adventures" book. Yonkey and the other road trip book authors are writing "Midwest State Park Adventures" for a summer release date. She has written about Kansas for over 30 years and amassed numerous awards.
She has set additional book events throughout the state. Find them at RoxieontheRoad.com/Schedule.