Aug 01, 2022

Modernization of GB Events Center continues with new bathrooms

Posted Aug 01, 2022 3:00 PM

Great Bend Post

New and shiny is a successful formula for attracting business. Great Bend Convention and Visitors Bureau Director Christina Hayes wants to ensure the city is putting out its best product to attract visitors. New bathrooms at the front of the Events Center on 10th Street will provide some new shine, and are just another step forward for the facility.

"Since I've taken over the Events Center, we have made some significant changes to make it really the premiere event location in Great Bend," Hayes said. "What's cool about the Events Center, it's here for locals, but really we want to attract visitors to get overnight stays, so we need it to be premiere. The 70s-style bathrooms were definitely something that was on the list. It's really almost the end of our little checklist of improvements."

Much of the building has been updated to attract more bookers, both locally and from out of town. Hayes said only minor improvements remain, including lighting, security, and some door updates. The new bathrooms are expected to be complete by September. All the updates are helping Hayes keep the Events Center fully booked.

"2022 is such an awesome year for the Events Center," she said. "We have only three open weekends this entire year, even when we're getting the bathrooms remodeled. We're booked and continuing to get bookings for not only this year but well, well beyond.

"As the CVB director, I keep working on trying to get new conventions and conferences to come to down because, obviously, that brings the bigger overnight stays."