Jun 28, 2023

Barton Co. receives KDHE Chronic Disease Risk Reduction grant

Posted Jun 28, 2023 9:00 PM

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Community Health Promotion program is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) Community Grant. In total, the SFY 2024 CDRR program covers: 17 grantees, 29 counties and 1,898,414 Kansans (64.6% of the Kansas population).

The CDRR Community Grant Program provides funding, training and technical assistance to communities to address chronic disease risk reduction through evidence-based strategies that impact tobacco use, physical activity and nutrition. Strategies include: reducing secondhand smoke exposure, preventing youth from using tobacco, promoting tobacco treatment and the Kansas Tobacco Quitline, increasing physical activity and improving community nutrition.

“The CDRR Community Grant Program is a great opportunity to address chronic disease in our communities,” said Secretary Janet Stanek. “We look forward to seeing the great work our grantees can accomplish across Kansas.”

The SFY 2024 CDRR Grantees and the counties they cover include:

  1. Barton County Health Department (Barton, Pawnee, Rice and Stafford counties)
  2. Crawford County Health Department (Crawford County)
  3. Crosswinds Counseling and Wellness (Lyon County)
  4. Dickinson County Health Department (Dickinson County)
  5. Edwards County Economic Development (Edwards and Hodgeman counties)
  6. Finney County Community Health Coalition (Finney, Scott, Stanton counties)
  7. Harvey County Health Department (Harvey County)
  8. Johnson County Department of Health and Environment (Johnson County)
  9. Medical Society of Sedgwick County (Sedgwick County)
  10. Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department (Douglas County)
  11. Marion County Health Department (Marion County)
  12. Miami County Health Department (Miami County)
  13. Mitchell County Regional Medical Foundation (Mitchell, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Ottawa, Republic and Smith counties)
  14. Reno County Health Department (Reno County)
  15. Shawnee County Health Agency (Shawnee County)
  16. Sheridan County Health Department (Sheridan County)
  17. Unified Government of Wyandotte (Wyandotte County)

Learn more about the CDRR program at kdhe.ks.gov/CDRR