Sep 28, 2023

No phone policy at GBHS already having positive impact

Posted Sep 28, 2023 6:21 PM
Great Bend High School Principal Tim Friess presents to the board of education during Thursday's luncheon at GBHS.
Great Bend High School Principal Tim Friess presents to the board of education during Thursday's luncheon at GBHS.

Great Bend Post

USD 428 Great Bend schools implemented Capturing Kids' Hearts in August 2021. During Thursday's board of education luncheon at the high school, Principal Tim Friess called it one of the best moves the district could have made for his building. The program focuses on social-emotional well-being and relationship-driven success with small acts like greeting students at the door and creating social contracts.

"If we hadn't gone to Capturing Kids' Hearts and doing the things that we feel like we're doing well in that process, this probably wouldn't be the same place right now," Friess said. "I'm looking at you guys and saying thank you for implementing it."

Last year at this time, GBHS had 590 disciplinary incidents. During the same time frame this year, that number has dropped to 294. Friess also credited the board with changing the cell phone policy. In July, the board announced phones would no longer be allowed in classrooms at GBHS. Through September last year, there were 27 electronics violations at the school, and nine incidences where phones were taken away for the remainder of the day. This year, with the more strict policy, there have been 92 electronics violations but only three requiring the phone be taken away for the day.

"It was the same policy we had last year," Friess said. "You guys didn't do anything different to us. The only difference in our policy from last year to this year was it says 'unless teachers allow it.'"

Friess believes fewer phones in classrooms has also cut down on vaping suspensions, with that number shrinking from nine at this time last year to just one this year. Other early benefits of the no-phone policy include more students turning to books and more social interaction in class.