Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) announced that the Kansas Children’s Service League (KCSL) has been awarded a $1,000 grant from the WEC Sharing Success Fund to be used to help fund this year’s Community Baby Shower for Safe Sleep.
The Kansas Children’s Service League has partnered with the Barton County Health Department and Great Bend Fire Department to co-host the 4th Annual Community Baby Shower for Safe Sleep from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. on June 13, 2024, at Jack Kilby Square. The central focus of the event is to teach participants about infant sleep. After completing the training, parents will receive a pack and play. Infant mortality remains a problem in the United States with sleep-related deaths accounting for a significant portion. Educating parents and their support people on the ABCs of Safe Sleep, which is that all babies should sleep Alone, on their Backs and in a Clutter-free Crib, will help decrease the number of infant sleep-related deaths.
KCSL works to create and restore healthy parent-child relationships. Using evidence-based programming, they provide services such as child abuse prevention, school readiness, family support and education. These services are designed to help children and parents develop the skills necessary to be successful in their homes, schools, and workplaces with a goal to create, repair, and restore healthy parent-child relationships – the foundation of a strong family. For more information about KCSL or to find out how you can help call 620-603-8442.
The Scott Community Foundation began formally accepting applications for grants from the WEC Sharing Success Fund from community-based organizations on December 1, 2012. Since then, the application process has been moved internally and is currently handled directly by WEC. This year, WEC and CoBank have once again each contributed $10,000 to the fund. The program will continue to run until the funds are exhausted. Since 2012, WEC’s Sharing Success Fund has made $145,000 available to community-based organizations and projects across their service territory.
Community based organizations interested in receiving funding from the WEC Sharing Success Fund can apply online at https://www.weci.net/sharing-success-program. Questions should be referred to Alli Conine, Director of Member Services & Corporate Communications, at 620-874-4563 or [email protected].