May 06, 2024

Safety is shared responsibility of both bicyclists, drivers

Posted May 06, 2024 2:00 AM

Bicycling can be great exercise and an affordable way to travel, but riders are more likely to suffer serious injury or death upon impact with a motor vehicle.

That’s why the Kansas Department of Transportation and The Drive To Zero Coalition want to remind drivers and bicyclists they share responsibility in safety. May is Bicycle Awareness Month, a time to focus on the importance of safe bicycling all year long.

Warm weather and summer school closings will increase the presence of bicyclists, including youth. Gary Herman, KDOT Behavior Safety Manager, encourages motorists to always be alert and plan ahead for bicyclists this time of year.

“Expect to see more bicycle traffic along city streets and be especially aware in neighborhoods where children are often riding bikes,” Herman said. “Slow down, allow time to stop and remember the law requires a motorist to give at least three feet between their vehicle and the cyclist when passing.”

Preliminary data reports six people died in Kansas in 2023 in 290 crashes involving bicycles. In these crashes, another 265 people suffered injuries. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Association, bicyclists are most often killed by drivers who strike them with the front of their vehicles and when traveling at high speeds.

Motorists and bicyclists should always obey the speed limit and avoid distractions. KDOT and The DTZ Coalition offer additional tips when riding a bicycle:

  1. Always wear a helmet.
  2. Ride with others, when possible. Drivers to be more cautious when encountering a group of bicyclists.
  3. Be seen and wear bright or retroreflective clothing.
  4. Have working reflectors and lights on the bike, especially if using at night.
  5. Take a bicycle safety course and follow the rules of the road.

For more information about bicycle safety, visit