Nov 14, 2023

Hoisington reminds residents of trash container ordinance

Posted Nov 14, 2023 9:00 PM

Great Bend Post

Last week, the City of Hoisington posted a reminder on the placement of trash and recycling containers within city limits. In an attempt to keep the town orderly, an ordinance passed in 2014 states that trash or recycling bins can be placed by street no earlier than 7 a.m. on the day before the scheduled pickup day. The containers need to be removed from the collection point 24 hours after collection.

Hoisington Code Enforcement Officer Dolores Kipper said the ordinance is in place to prevent trash and debris from being tossed around in the neighborhoods.

"Some people will even store their garbage," said Kipper. "They will leave it by the road throughout the whole week. Obviously, we're going to get wind. What is it going to do? It's going to knock over the bin and we'll have items flying throughout town."

Stutzman Refuse Disposal handles the trash pickup in Hoisington once a week and recycling pickup once every other week. The east side of town has their trash and recyclable pickups on Thursdays while the west side residents have Friday pickups.

"I'll see anything from milk jugs, newspapers and cereal boxes flying all over town," said Kipper. "That is due to people leaving their recycling cans and garbage cans by the road versus next to your house, where there is shelter from the wind."

Violations of the ordinance can be punishable by fines. Kipper encouraged residents to call her office with code enforcement concerns at 620-653-4995.