Dec 22, 2021

Russell Co. Appraiser seeking reports of all destroyed structures

Posted Dec 22, 2021 1:00 AM

Russell County Appraiser David Gillmore has released information in regards to the December 15 windstorm and wildfires.

"December 15, 2021, we had a terrible wind and fire event in Russell County," Gillmore said. "Sorry for the losses that occurred to those in our county. I would like to thank all the firefighters, City Police, Sheriff, EMS, volunteers and surrounding counties for the efforts during the storm. Your commitment to the community was truly felt. Russell County is lucky to have all of you."

"Unfortunately, damage did occur across the county. Considering how the wind and fire was not discriminate, the appraiser's office is asking all property owners to report structures that were destroyed during this wind and fire event to our office. Destroyed means to put an end to the existence of something. For example, a house, carport, shed, boat dock, etc. that can no longer be used for its intended purpose. Pictures from you would be helpful as documentation and our office will concentrate on our own documentation to properly value these instances for tax year 2022. Your cooperation in this effort is greatly appreciated. If property owners have any further questions, please reach out to our office by either stopping in, calling 785-483-5551 or by email at [email protected]."