USD 428 Board of Education meeting
Jan. 13 - 5 p.m.
1809 24th Street
1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Adoption of Agenda
1.3 Recognition of Visitors
1.4 Request to Speak Reminder
• Persons may present ideas or concerns regarding USD 428. The Board will take no action at this meeting. Such items will be referred to the appropriate administrator(s) for future information and researched and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. Personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The president shall determine the amount of time to be spent for citizen participation.
1.5 Citizen’s Open Forum
• Board Member Comments
• USD 428 Education Foundation
• Written Communications / Correspondence
• School Board Recognition
USD 428 Administration recognizes board members for an elected official's crucial role in our community and schools. These extraordinary people voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing the district. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children. Thank you, USD 428 Board of Education, for your time and commitment to our schools!
• Director’s Report
Each month, a district director will present department updates to board members. Ashley Riley, Director of Special Services, will provide a report to board members at this meeting.
A. Second Reading of Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (CERP)
A well-developed plan is essential for the best outcomes during a cardiac emergency, and the Safety Committee has worked to develop a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan that establishes the specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest. This plan is adaptable for schools, support services, office work areas, and sports facilities. The administration requests approval at this Second Reading.
B. Second Reading of BOE Policy
BOE members review the following policy revisions, which were presented in December. The administration recommends approval of the policy revisions. At the meeting of 12/9/2024, BOE members heard the first reading of KASB recommended new and revised policies. At this second reading, the administration recommends Board approval.
A. First Reading Public Speaking, Debate, and Forensics Curriculum Adoption: Mrs. Heath will present the recommendations for adopting materials for Public Speaking, Debate, and Forensics courses at GBHS. This is a First Reading.
B. First Reading English Learner (EL) Curriculum Adoption
The PreK-12 EL team will present the recommendations for the adoption of materials for the PreK-12 EL program. This is a First Reading.
C. Approval to Pilot Grades 7-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum
The District Grades 7-12 ELA team requests approval to pilot two programs as a part of the curriculum adoption process. The team will present the two programs they wish to pilot during the Fall 2025 semester.
D. First Reading GBMS Program of Studies
The GB Middle School Program of Studies book describes all the courses available to Great Bend Middle School students. GBMS Principal Mr. Myron Ellegood will discuss several course description updates, wording, and curriculum changes previously approved by the Curriculum Steering Committee. The administration will request board approval at the February meeting.
E. First Reading of GBHS Program of Studies and CTE Program of Studies
The High School Program of Studies book describes all the courses available to Great Bend High School students. GBHS Principal Mr. Brock Funke will discuss several course description updates and wording changes and present Curriculum Steering Committee recommendations for the 2025-2026 Program of Studies. The administration will request board approval at the next meeting.
F. Approval of Chromebook Purchase
The district has a rotation cycle for electronic purchases to maintain up-to-date technology, and computers are rotated five years a year. At this time, the administration is requesting BOE approval for the Chromebook purchases.
G. Approval to Extend Officer Term to July
The S.B. 130 law passed in April 2019 changed the month that school boards elect the board president and vice president to January instead of July. With the adoption of this resolution, USD 428 wishes to extend the term of the current president and vice president for the remainder of the current school year and elect new officers at the July organizational meeting. Furthermore, the administration requests that the meeting dates and times for the remainder of the current school year be reaffirmed.
H. Fundraiser Requests for 2025-2026
To fulfill plans for organization fundraising during the 2025-2026 year, the administration has received specific requests (timing and types of fundraisers) from school parent-organization representatives for BOE consideration. The administration recommends approval.
I. Approval of Microscope Purchase
The Administration is seeking approval to purchase twenty-six compound microscopes for the high school science department to replace outdated equipment. Title IVA funds would be used for the $12,746.50 purchase and provide three classroom sets of compound microscopes.
J. GBMS HVAC & GBHS Boiler Updates
Mr. Popp will present a PCA consortium proposal for two upcoming projects that must be addressed at the high and middle schools. The GBHS boiler project involves the replacement of the associated storage tank, concrete supports, combustion ductwork, etc., and the GBMS air handler HVAC project includes the condensing unit and associated piping, expansion tank, air separator, pumps, and associated work. Mr. Popp will provide and make a recommendation.
A. Adoption Updates
Mrs. Blevins will update the board on the K-12 Science, PreK-12 SEL curriculum, and Band and Orchestra adoption processes.
B. Propio Interpretation Service
Mrs. Blevins will present information regarding Propio, a HIPPA-FERPA compliant and secure translation service that can be accessed through web or mobile formats, such as phone, video remote, or written. The fully customizable service provides access to over 350 languages with no monthly minimum charges or usage requirements.
C. KESA Update
Mr. Popp and Mrs. Blevins will update the board on the recent check-in day with KSDE and provide information on the upcoming School Improvement Day in January.
D. Curriculum Meetings
▪ Curriculum Steering Committee: Next meeting 1/9/25
▪ Professional Development Council Next meeting 2/3/25
A. My-EOP App
After some changes and reviews, Mr. Popp will discuss the My-EOP app and its readiness to go live with USD 428 staff members. The app puts pertinent emergency information details and instructions at employees' fingertips. The Board approved the first-year membership in November.
B. Committee Updates
Mr. Popp will provide an update on the progress of the following committees.
▪ Insurance Committee 1/15/25
▪ District Safety Committee 1/15/25, and 2/5/25
▪ District Site Council
C. Personnel Report
Administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC), the Rural Opportunity Zones (ROZ), the Student Loan Reimbursement Assistance is a partnership with Kansas Counties, Cities, employers, and foundations. This Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides up to $15,000 over five years to eligible applicants. Mr. Popp will discuss the appeal of this grant for teacher recruiting.
D. Project Updates
Board members and the administration will discuss updates on the following projects.
▪ Sold Surplus Property update
▪ Washington School building update
A. Inclement Weather Update
B. Solar Panel Update
C. USD 428 Education Foundation Mini-grants
Mini-grant application forms will be sent to licensed staff in March and will be due March 21, 2025. Licensed staff with innovative teaching ideas are encouraged to apply for these grants.
D. IBB Meeting
Members representing GB-NEA and the Board of Education will tentatively meet in March 2025 at the District Education Center for Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB). The negotiation session will begin with IBB training for participants.
E. Approval of Grants / Contributions
A. Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes [December 9, 2024]
B. Bills and Financial Reports
C. Personnel Report
•BOE Luncheon Meeting- The next lunch meeting is January 29, 2025, at Lincoln Elementary.
•Winter Homecoming- Friday, February 7, 2025, with Liberal
•BOE Regular Meeting- The next BOE regular monthly meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2025, at the District Education Center.