Oct 11, 2020

City Council to readdress replacement of boarded up windows

Posted Oct 11, 2020 6:00 PM

Great Bend Post

The Great Bend City Council made a series of changes to property maintenance enforcement this summer. The ordinance changes sped up the process of sending trash and refuse violators their formal notices, increased fees for cleanup and changed the violation for overgrown vegetation from 12 inches to nine inches.

During the approved changes, looking into creating an ordinance regarding boarded up windows throughout town was briefly addressed.

Councilmember Dana Dawson notified the governing body last week that he would like to see the issue further discussed at the next City Council meeting.

"The boarded up windows are unappealing to our city," said Dawson.

This summer, the City Council discussed a possible ordinance that requires property owners to replace boarded up or covered windows with glass within a certain time period.

The next Great Bend City Council meeting is Oct. 19, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.