Jun 23, 2023

Local businesses invited to participate in GBHS Panther cards

Posted Jun 23, 2023 8:00 PM

Great Bend High School is in the process of building the 2023-2024 Panther Card. Local businesses are invited to participate in this fan favorite as a way to generate funds to cover travel meal costs for GBHS & GBMS athletics. 

Participation agreements should be returned by July 1, 2023. Please contact Courtney Kelly, GBHS Activities Office - 620-793-1560, with any questions. Click here for more information. Download the application here.

Panther Card Highlights:

  1. There is no cost for businesses to participate
  2. Businesses can create their own discount or perk for the card (see last year's card for ideas)
  3. Cards are valid from August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024.
  4. 100% of Panther Card sales support GBHS & GBMS Activities