Great Bend Post
Christi Herber has been serving as the executive director for the Kans for Kids Fighting Cancer Foundation for just over three years. A nice fundraising addition during her tenure has been the creation of the Kans for Kids Benefit Car Show, now entering its second year.
Herber said the idea was presented to Kans for Kids by Club 1 Fitness.
"Joe Trimmer and Chris Berger from Club 1 told us they would like to do a car show and donate the money to Kans for Kids," said Herber. "It just blossomed from there. After the first one, they said they wanted to do it again next year."
The Car Show will take place Saturday, Sept. 30 at 10 a.m. at Club 1, 3806 Broadway in Great Bend. Along with the show, there will be food and a silent auction.
Kans for Kids provides funding for families with children who are living with cancer and creates public awareness of childhood cancer.