The Commission meeting will be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. Citizens may view the meeting through their own sign in or by signing in “anonymously”. Please follow this link: If you wish to participate in the discussion of any item, please call (620) 793-1800 for instructions.
Agenda Meeting
Sept. 17
9 a.m. Until Close
A. Call Meeting to Order.
B. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Consider Approval of the Agenda.
D. Consider the minutes of the September 10, 2024, Regular Meeting.
E. Any citizen wishing to make statements during the discussion of any item must first be recognized by the Commission Chair. After being recognized, that person should state their name and the name of any organization represented. Statements should be limited to five minutes.
F. Please silence all phones and electronic devices. Recording the meeting is allowed and the Commission requests that anyone using special recording equipment be seated in the back row to avoid creating a distraction during the meeting.
II. OLD BUSINESS - Items tabled, or scheduled, from previous Commission Meetings, will be heard at this time.
-There is no Old Business at this time.
III. NEW BUSINESS - All new business to be considered by the Commission will be heard at this time.
A. COMMISSION: Employee Engagement Committee:
-Judith Castro, Employee Engagement Committee, will provide details. The Employee Engagement Committee (EEC) is charged with creating short- and long-term goals and project development to improve employee retention and employee satisfaction. Available unexpired terms end December 31, 2024.
-Ms. Castro will provide details. The EEC accepts nominations from employees for the Employee Recognition Award. Lindsey Creamer, Shared Clerk, was nominated for being flexible in her position and her assistance to many departments while moving to and from the Penny’s building.
C. GREAT BEND AIRFEST: Ticket Giveaway:
-Christina Hayes, City of Great Bend Community Coordinator, will provide details. The Great Bend Airfest will be held at the Great Bend Municipal Airport September 20 – 22, 2024. This sponsor-driven event generally includes rides and tours of historic warbirds, airshow, veteran recognition and displays. At this time, the Commission will give away four pair of tickets, three via a Facebook contest and one via a drawing for a County employee.
D. PROCLAMATION 2024-16: National Recovery Month:
-Amy Ferguson, Director, Rise Up Central Kansas, will present Proclamation 2024-16, National Recovery Month, September, 2024. Detailing the impact of recovery through hope and healing, this Proclamation calls for community members to observe the month with compelling programs and events. Included is Recovery Out Loud, Every Voice Matters, beginning at 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 20, 2024, at Jack Kilby Square.
E. SOLID WASTE: Purchase of a Fire Truck:
-Jennifer Hamby, Solid Waste Director, will provide details. For some time, the Solid Waste Department has taken measures to assure fire suppression. There are thermal camera monitoring disposal areas and staff assures proper coverage. Even with these activities, the disposal areas are still prone to fire. Staff has secured a 1996 Ford F350 Brush Fire Truck through Purple Wave as an added defense against spreading fires. The Commission will be asked to ratify the purchase.
F. RESOLUTION 2024-18: A Resolution Setting Out the Policy of Barton County, Kansas, on Water Conservation, Use and Administration and Requiring Coordination with any Federal Agency that Negatively Impacts Barton County Residents:
-Patrick Hoffman, County Counselor, will provide details. Under the proposed Resolution, as provided by the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, the Barton County Commission would establish a policy on water conservation, use and administration. The Resolution specifically establishes that no federal water rights should be exercised in any way that diminishes the availability or use of water for agriculture in Barton County. Further, that all Kansas Counties should work together as one coalition to defend the essential existing water system against all threats, including federal control.
-Chairman Barb Esfeld will present. Any Commissioner may make a motion for the board to recess to executive session at this time as allowed by K.S.A. 75-4319. Any motion must contain the justification for the executive session, the subject matter to be discussed, any individuals in addition to the board who will attend the executive session and the time at which the regular session shall resume.
IV. ENDING BUSINESS – After new items are heard by the Commission, the following items, including announcements, will be heard.
-Following the close of the Agenda Meeting, the Commission will consider the authorization of personnel changes for classified positions, sign any documentation approved during the agenda meeting or sign any other documentation required for regular County business. Similar action may take place throughout the day.
-Although subject to change, the following appointments have been scheduled:
10:00 a.m. or following the close of the Agenda Meeting – Program Update – Marissa Woodmansee, Juvenile Services Director.
10:15 a.m. – Equipment Bids and Budget Expenditure Update – Chris Schartz, Interim Road and Bridge Director.
10:45 a.m. – Departmental Update – Wendy Prosser, County Appraiser.
11:00 a.m. – Regular Business Discussion – Matt Patzner, County Administrator.
11:30 a.m. – Luncheon meeting with the Barton County Health Department Advisory Committee. The luncheon will be held at the Health Department, 1300 Kansas, Great Bend, Kansas.
THE COUNTY EDITION, KVGB-AM – Thursdays at 11:05 a.m. Members of the Health Department are scheduled for September 19, 2024.
A. Discussion Items.
B. Citizens or organizations may present requests or proposals for initial consideration at this time.
C. The Commissioners are available to the Public on Tuesdays during regular business hours.
D. One or more Commissioners may be present in the Commission Chambers conducting county business throughout the day on Tuesdays.
E. The Commissioners may, individually, schedule personal appointments related to County business at their discretion.
F. The next Regular Meeting will be at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 24, 2024.