Jul 10, 2023

USD 428 school board meeting agenda (7/10)

Posted Jul 10, 2023 2:00 AM

USD 428 Board of Education meeting 
July 10 - 5 p.m.
201 S. Patton Road, Great Bend


   1.1 Roll Call
   1.2 Adoption of Agenda
   1.3 Recognition of Visitors
   1.4 Request to Speak Reminder
      · Persons may present ideas or concerns regarding USD 428. The Board will take no action at this meeting. Such items will be referred to the appropriate administrator(s) for future information and researched and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. Personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The president shall determine the amount of time to be spent for citizen participation.
   1.5 Citizen’s Open Forum

   A. President
   B. Vice-President
      Nominations are now in order for the office of president and vice-president. The Board will elect a president and a vice-president by vote.


   · Board Members’ Comments
   · Citizens Open Forum
   · Written Communications / Correspondence


   A. Board Clerk Recommendation: John Popp
      It is recommended that Assistant Superintendent John Popp would be appointed as the Clerk of the Board of Education.

   B. Assistant Clerk Recommendation: Cathie McManaman
      The Board needs to appoint an Assistant Clerk to serve in the absence of the Board Clerk and provide continuity to district services. Cathie McManaman will continue to serve in this capacity.

   C. Treasurer
      Recommendations: Kathy Roberts / April Harbaugh
      It is recommended that Kathy Roberts or April Harbaugh, Payroll Clerk(s), will serve in this capacity.

   D. Assistant Treasurer Recommendation: Jolene Kirmer
      The Board appoints an Assistant Treasurer to serve in the absence of the Board Treasurer and to provide continuity to district services. It is recommended that Jolene Kirmer will serve as Assistant Treasurer.

   E. Truancy Officers
      Recommendation: All Learning Center Principals and Assistant Principals. These administrators have been serving as Truancy Officers, and it is recommended that they will continue in this position.

   F. Hearing Officer for Free and Reduced
      Recommendation: Khris Thexton. The Superintendent has been serving as this officer, and it is recommended that this practice will continue.

   G. Food Service Representative
      Recommendation: Kristy Alvord. It is recommended that Food Service Director Kristy Alvord continues serving in this capacity.

   H. KPERS Representative
      Recommendations: Kathy Roberts / April Harbaugh. It is recommended that Kathy Roberts or April Harbaugh will serve in this capacity.

   I. Federal / State Grant Representatives
      Recommendations: Traci Burns, JoAnn Blevins, and Ashley Riley. It is recommended that these persons will serve as representatives since they play major roles in grant areas.

   J. USD 428 Education Foundation Representative
      Recommendation: Aaron Emerson. The BOE member who has fulfilled this role is Aaron Emerson. It is recommended that Aaron Emerson continues in this role.

   K. Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, and Section 504 Representatives
      Recommendations: John Popp and Ashley Riley. These persons are recommended to serve as representatives since they play major roles in related matters. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.

   L. KASB Governmental Relations Network Representative
      Recommendation: Susan Young. Susan Young has served in this capacity in the past and will continue to fill this role.

   M. Freedom of Information Officer
      Recommendation: Andrea Bauer. The Public Information Director has been serving as the district's Freedom of Information Officer, and Andrea Bauer is recommended to fill this capacity.

   N. Records Custodian Recommendation: John Popp
      It is recommended that John Popp will serve in this capacity.

   O. Name Depository for District Funds
      Recommendation: The administration recommends that the Board continue with the current accounts.

   P. Selection of Official District Newspaper
      Recommendation: Great Bend Tribune. The school district has relied on The Tribune as the official newspaper in the past and the administration recommends that The Tribune will continue to be USD 428's official newspaper.

   Q. Selection of District Insurance Committee Members
      *Three-year term, with a maximum of two terms.
      Insurance and Plan 125 issues are important to employees of the district. A committee comprised of persons from a cross-section of licensed and classified job categories will meet throughout the 2023-2024 year to review the status of the offerings and alternative possibilities and bring recommendations for insurance offerings to the Board for the subsequent year. Jacquie Disque has served as a committee member representing the Board of Education, and reappointment is recommended.

   R. Homeless Coordinator
      Recommendation: JoAnn Blevins. In compliance with BOE Policy JBCA, a Homeless Coordinator is being named. The administration recommends that Mrs. Blevins would serve in that position.

   S. Selection of BOE Members to 2024 IBB Team
      Recommendation: Deanna Essmiller, Susan Young. The administration appoints representatives to the 2024 Interest-Based Bargaining Team for teacher negotiations. Deanna Essmiller and Susan Young will continue to serve in this position.

   T. Attorney Services
      Recommendation: Watkins Calcara, Chtd.. The administration recommends approval of the contract with Watkins Calcara, Chtd., for legal services. The firm has been an excellent resource for the BOE and the school district.

   U. BOE Representative to the GBHS Hall of Fame Committee
      Recommendation: Aaron Emerson. Membership on the GBHS Hall of Fame Committee includes one Board of Education member. The administration recommends Aaron Emerson for the position.

   V. BOE Representative to the Supplemental Salary Committee
      Recommendation: Lori Reneau. Membership on the Supplemental Salary Committee includes one Board of Education member. The administration recommends Lori Reneau serve in this position.

   A. Recommendation for Early Payment of Claims
      This allows payment of certain types of bills prior to the BOE meetings. Such bills include utility bills, bills which allow a discount if paid by a certain date, or bills that would result in a penalty for late payment. The BOE must authorize such action each year, and the authority must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

   B. Adoption of 1,116-Hour Calendar for 2023-2024
      This is a routine action that is required by state law. The 2023-2024 calendar has already been approved. This action provides the district with more flexibility throughout the year.

   C. Approval of Mileage Rate for Approved Travel for District Employees 
      The Licensed Employees’ Agreement stipulates that the annual mileage rate for reimbursement to employees for approved miles traveled is established each July, according to the Kansas state rate. The current state rate is 65.5 cents.

   D. Rescind Previous Policy and Adopt BOE Policy Manual for the 2023-2024 Year
      To be in compliance with Kansas law, the administration recommends the adoption of the following resolution. RESOLUTION: Be it resolved that all policy statements found in the minutes of this Board of Education prior to June 30, 2023 (with the exception of the 2023-2024 student and teacher handbooks, which were approved on May 8, 2023), be rescinded and that the Board of Education adopt the BOE Policy Manual as presented and recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, to govern this school district during the 2023-2024 school year, subject to periodic review, amendment, and revision by the Board of Education.

   E. Authorization of Certificates for Manual Signature
      On occasions, manual signatures are required in Board-approved business functions of USD 428. The administration recommends authorization of manual signatures for the Superintendent of Schools as well as the following BOE positions: President, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.

   F. Approval of 2023-2024 Petty Cash Resolution
      The Board of Education must establish separate petty cash funds for each entity and authorize employees to administer the petty cash funds. The funds may not exceed $3,000.00. See details on designated treasurers and assigned petty cash amounts. The administration recommends approval.

   G. Approval of Resolution to Maintain Activity Funds
      It is a recommended practice to have a Board of Education resolution on file to authorize maintaining and operating the district's activity funds for financial purposes. The administration recommends approval of the resolution.

   H. Approval of Resolution to Waive Annual Requirements of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Fixed Assets Accounting for 2023-2024
      This is a standard annual procedure to avoid a complex depreciation accounting system which has no value for a school district. The administration recommends approval.

   I. Resolution to Establish Home Rule by Board of Education
      To be in compliance with BOE Policy A, the administration recommends adoption of the resolution: Resolution to Establish Home Rule by Board of Education.

   J. Approval to Publish Notifications
      Approval of these notifications must be part of the BOE minutes.
      · Equal Employment / Educational Opportunity Agency
      · Rights Through Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (includes disclosure of directory information)
      · Asbestos Notification
      · Student Data Privacy Act

   K. Resolution to Authorize Bank Signature Card Designees
      Resignations, appointments, and reassignments necessitate changes in authorized signers for district bank accounts. The Board of Education resolution will allow the administration to change signers, as deemed appropriate, with Board of Education approval.

   L. Freedom of Information Copy Costs
      In regard to copies approved and prepared by the Freedom of Information Officer, the administration recommends the cost per copy at $.30.

   M. Disposition of Property
      The administration seeks BOE approval to regularly dispose of unneeded, out-of-date district-owned property valued at $750 or less.

   N. Destruction of Records
      The administration seeks BOE approval to destroy all BOE meeting agendas and financial records more than five years old (current practice). See the attached resolution for destruction of the documents. It is the intent to include this resolution to the BOE each year with the applicable date applied, thereby maintaining manageable storage of documents.

   O. 2023-2024 Substitute Teacher Pay
      The USD 428 substitute teacher per-day pay is $120 per day. The half day substitute rate is $60.00.

   P. Internet Filtering Software
      The district has a contract with TwoTrees (7/1/21 – 6/30/24) for windows computer internet filtering, and a contract with GoGuardian for Chromebook filtering (7/1/23 – 6/29/24)

   Q. Travel Expenses: Meal Rate
      In reference to BOE Policy GAN, the maximum allowance per meal is to be recommended by the superintendent for approval by the BOE. The recommendation is to authorize $10 per meal in state and $15 per meal out of state.

   R. Fees: Application for Use of School Facilities
      District facilities are utilized by in-district and outside agencies for various functions (i.e., private groups athletic practices and tournaments), and fees (when applicable) are charged according to preset amounts. The recommendation is to have unchanged fees for the upcoming fiscal year.


   A. Second Reading of BOE Policy
      At the meeting of 6/12/2023, BOE members heard the first reading of KASB-recommended new and revised policies. At this second reading, the administration recommends approval.


   A. Approval of Music Equipment Quote
      Mr. Popp will discuss two Buy Board procurement vocal riser quotes for elementary vocal music. He will make a recommendation and request board action.

   B. Revenue Neutral Discussion
      Mr. Thexton will discuss the property taxation policy of USD 428 Great Bend, with respect to exceeding the Revenue Neutral Tax Rate for financing the annual budget for 2023-2024. The administration requests approval to exceed the RNR in the upcoming budget proposal. 

   C. Handbook Language Change
      The administration has updated new student policies regarding cell phones, tobacco/vape, or nicotine delivery systems. Wording will be added to student handbooks outlining corrective discipline actions for students violating the policy.


   A. Summer School finality:
      Mrs. Blevins will provide an update on the 2023 Summer School program and its impact on USD 428 students.

   B. Beginning of Year Schedule:
      · August 2-3 – Enrollment
      · August 3 – Helping Hands Enrollment
      · August 10-11, 14-16–New Teacher Orientation (5 Days)
      · August 17, 18 – Teacher Inservice
      · August 17 – Business Showcase/Teacher Inservice
      · August 21, 22 – Teacher Workday
      · August 23 – First Day of Classes – K-6, 7, 9
      · August 24 – First Day of Classes – Grades 8, 10-12

   C. Personnel Information (Licensed)
      § 0 New Licensed positions
      § 6 Positions unable to be filled (Instructional Coaches)
      § 8 Positions filled with long-term substitute teachers (most in various stages of acquiring licensure)
      § 5 Positions filled with people with provisional licensure (licensed but completing teacher programs)
      § 16 Fully licensed people hired, new to the district
      § 22 Total teachers hired
      § 23 Resignations

   D. Curriculum Meetings
      § Curriculum Steering Committee: Next meeting is 9/5/23
      § Professional Development Council (PDC): Next meeting is on 8/21/23

   A. Budget Update
   B. Summer Meal Program
   C. Project Updates
   D. Approval of Grant Applications / Contributions (Attachment 10.D)


   A. Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes [June 12, and June 29, 2023] 
   B. Bills and Financial Reports
   C. Personnel Report (Attachment 12.C)

   •BOE Regular Meeting: The next BOE regular monthly meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2023, at the District Education Center