Nov 08, 2023

Barton Co. Treasurer: Delayed tax statements not a county issue

Posted Nov 08, 2023 1:00 PM
Barton County Treasurer Jim Jordan
Barton County Treasurer Jim Jordan

Great Bend Post

The local taxing system is a bit like a puzzle. Certain pieces are required before the puzzle can move forward. Kansas state statute requires that all taxing entities have their budgets turned in to the county clerk by Oct. 1. At Tuesday's Barton County Commission meeting, Clerk Bev Schmeidler noted the final budget was turned in Tuesday, Oct. 31. Barton County Treasurer Jim Jordan explained how that's going to delay tax statements for residents.

"Once she has that set, she then rolls the tax roll to me," he said. "I print off a statement and do a check of her numbers to make sure the mills she has set are correct to the townships, where they're going, school districts, etc. She is supposed to have them to be by Nov. 1."

Jordan said he his office would like to have the statements out each year by the second week in November, but in his six years in office, that has yet to happen. This year, the South Homestead taxing unit, located between Hoisington and Great Bend, turned in the late budget. Even after all the figures are approved, Jordan has to get the statements to a printer, go through another round of checks, and get them in the mail. County Counselor Patrick Hoffman noted that's why deadlines are important.

"People want to get their tax statement, but it can't get out until everyone has their budget put in," he said. "Obviously, Bev's office starts calling people early and reminding them to do it. We don't want to do anything drastic to people, but it's super important to get them in."

More than 30 taxing entities submit budgets to the clerk's office each year. Jordan said treasurers of the entity that does not meet the statute may be subject to a fine or 90 days in jail, but the matter is difficult to enforce. With the delay, the treasurer's office is looking at Dec. 1 to get the statements 2023 mailed.