Nov 13, 2023

USD 428 school board meeting agenda (11/13)

Posted Nov 13, 2023 5:00 PM

Nov. 13 - 5 p.m.

   1. Call to Order of Hearing
   2. Recognition of Visitors at the Hearing
   3. Review of Policy JBCC - Enrollment of Nonresident Students

The proposed policy is to determine the number of nonresident students that the school district has the capacity to accept in each grade level for each school of the school district pursuant to K.S.A. 72-3123, and amendments thereto, including clearly specifying the reasons that the board may use to deny continued enrollment of a nonresident student who is not in good standing.

Public notice regarding a required new board policy outlining requirements for the enrollment for nonresident students, including required actions such as determining capacity, accepting applications, and the admission of nonresident students, was published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the Great Bend Tribune and published on the district website.

The board shall hear testimony regarding the proposed policy and the administration will recommend Board approval.

   4. Adjournment of JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students Hearing

Nov. 13 - 5:05 p.m.

   1.1 Roll Call
   1.2 Adoption of Agenda
   1.3 Recognition of Visitors
   1.4 Request to Speak Reminder
      · Persons may present ideas or concerns regarding USD 428. The Board will take no action at this meeting. Such items will be referred to the appropriate administrator(s) for future information and researched and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. Personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The president shall determine the amount of time to be spent for citizen participation.
   1.5 Citizen’s Open Forum

   · Board of Education
      The USD 428 Board of Education and Administration wishes to extend congratulations to individuals elected to the USD 428 Board of Education. Re-Elect Vice President Aaron Emerson will serve a second four-year-term, and Karen Lindberg, Randy Wetzel, and Sara Williams will begin four-year terms in January 2024. Welcome and Congratulations!

   · Overall Outstanding Art Educator of the Year Award
      In October at the Kansas Art Education Association (KAEA) fall conference, Shannon Wedel was awarded the 2023 Overall Outstanding Art Educator of the Year! KAEA is a statewide professional organization dedicated to the growth and development of art educators and the advancement of high quality art education. Wedel has taught Elementary Art for the Great Bend school district for 28 years and has served as the K-12 department chair since 2005. She has served KAEA in multiple capacities, serving on countless committees with her most recent position as secretary She served as the conference chair for the Fall Conference in 2007 and hosted the Fiber Fest Summer Camp in 2023. She has also made presentations at multiple KAEA fall conferences and was chosen to present “Archeology, Can You Dig It?” at the National Art Education Association convention in New York City. In 2013, Shannon was recognized as the Outstanding Elementary Art Educator of the Year.

   · Kansas Teacher of the Year
      Two well-deserving educators from Great Bend USD 428 have been nominated for the 2024 USD 428 Teachers of the Year. Honorees Sergio Ramirez, Art Teacher at Great Bend High School, and Casey Hatzenbuehler, teacher of grade 3 at Riley Elementary School, will advance to the 2024 Kansas Teacher of the Year competition. The Kansas Teacher of the Year program is a great way to celebrate our outstanding teachers as well as elevate their work for recognition among colleagues and peers across the state. Congratulations, Sergio and Casey!

   · Great Bend Reads Initiative
      Sponsored by USD 428 and presented in partnership with Great Bend Public Library, the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, Great Bend Recreation Center, BCC, 4-H, and Jag-K, the Great Bend Reading Initiative was first lawunched in 2015 to promote enjoyment for reading and boost student literacy skills by reading a well-loved children’s book. This year's selected book is The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. Reading together strengthens parent-child relationships and promotes school, family, and community engagement. Local business sponsors will participate in community events to promote the GB Reads activities. Librarians Holly Tittel, Kristine Boepple, and Leah Yancey will present the GB Reads Initiative for this year.

   · Kansans Can Bronze Star Recognition
      USD 428 Great Bend has received the Kansans Can Bronze Star Award for exceptional student success in the area of High School Graduation for the year 2023.

   · Board Members’ Comments
   · USD 428 Education Foundation
   · Written Communications / Correspondence

   A. Adoption of JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students Policy/Resolution
      The Board of Education held a JBCC hearing prior to this board meeting. At this hearing, board members considered testimony and evidence presented to determine whether to adopt or advise the proposed policy regarding enrollment of nonresident students. At this time, the administration recommends approval of the policy and resolution for JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students.

   B. GB Recreation Commission Board Representative
      The GB Recreation Commission board comprises five members representing the city, school, and recreation commission. Members serve four-year terms and may serve two consecutive 4-year terms. The district issued a boxed ad in The Tribune announcing the open position vacated by Sue Cooper. Administration will make a recommendation for BOE consideration/decision for a replacement on the board.


   A. Adoption of Resolution- Notice of Intent of Sale of Property
      Two facilities purchased by USD 428 will accommodate support services, a preschool, and district operations, therefore, the board of education wishes to dispose of three buildings that no longer benefit the school system. This resolution serves as notification of intent of sale, allowing the legislature the option to acquire the building(s) within an applicable timeframe. USD 428 will take no action regarding the disposal of the buildings until the legislative response. Administration recommends approving the disposal of the three mentioned properties and submitting notice to the legislature within thirty days of this resolution.

   B. Panther Athletic Center - Chiller Update
      The chilling unit at the GBHS Panther Athletic Center is not functioning properly. The administration will provide project proposal details through a government purchasing cooperative, Purchasing Cooperative of America, with Innovative Groups as the vendor.

   C. Approval of Computer Purchase
      The district has a rotation cycle for electronic purchases to maintain up-to-date technology. Chromebooks are on a three-year rotation, and computers are on a five-year rotation. At this time, the administration requests BOE approval for the following Chromebook purchase for students. Total $352,740.

   A. Vape Policy Update
      At the beginning of the 2023-2024 year, the schools implemented and enforced a new Vape Policy. An update will be provided to board members on the progress of the Vape Policy.
   B. Curriculum Meetings
      § Curriculum Steering Committee: minutes 11/7/23, next meeting 1/9/24
      § Professional Development Council (PDC): 11/6/23 minutes, next meeting 12/4/23

   A. District Phone System Update
      The current phone system is obsolete and additional units are no longer available and cannot be expanded to add more lines at the new facility. A replacement system is imminent. The administration and board members will review a Nex-tech quote for a system to replace all phones, hardware, and equipment.

   B. Little Panthers Preschool/DEC Update
      In early October, renovations at 1809 24th St began transforming the facility for the Little Panthers Preschool and District Education Center. Most of the work is on the east side for preschool construction.

   C. Capital Outlay Summary
      The district has a specific plan for the district's capital outlay funds. This includes how the budget has been spent in the past year as well as the current and future plans. Many capital improvements are needed and this plan will begin to address those needs.

   D. Teacher Evaluations
      Annually, teachers are evaluated by the school principals. Mr. Popp will overview the teacher evaluation process governed by state statutes, Board of Education policies, and Negotiated Agreement policies.

   E. Personnel Report
      The district is attending several in-person or virtual Recruiting Fairs to hire quality teachers for the 2023-24 school year. In addition, December education graduates will be considered for employment now for positions currently filled by long-term substitute teachers until a permanent job is available.

   A. Superintendent Evaluation
   B. Therapy Dog Information
   C. FEMA information (July 16, 2023, hail storm)
   D. 2024-2025 School Calendar Discussion
   E. 2023 KASB Convention Update
   F. KASB New Board Member Training – Hays, KS - December 1, 2023, 9:00-2:00.
   G. Approval of Grants / Contributions (Attachment)


   A. Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes [October 9 and 24, 2023]
   B. Bills and Financial Reports
   C. Personnel Report

   •Thanksgiving Recess, No School- November 22-24, 2023
   •BOE Luncheon Meeting: at noon on November 29, 2023 (Jefferson Elementary School)