Wheatland Electric Cooperative Inc., recently completed a member-wide customer satisfaction survey in which over 230 anonymous members scored Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. higher than any other measured utility company.
The member responses were sent to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®), a company that measures customer satisfaction across multiple industries throughout the entire United States.
For 2023, Wheatland Electric received an ACSI score of 92 out of a maximum score of 100, the highest score the cooperative has received to date.
“We are thrilled to receive our latest ACSI score. We have been working hard over the past few years to improve member satisfaction through our capital credits program, new young adult member engagement events, supporting community initiatives through our Sharing Success Fund, and supporting our local food banks through Cram the Van each fall,” Bruce W. Mueller, CEO/general manager, said. “We are thankful to our coop membership for ranking us among some of the best coops across the country!”
Members at Wheatland’s 2023 Annual Meeting, held on April 26, 2023, across eight meeting locations in southwest and central Kansas, were asked to complete the survey, with the option of remaining anonymous prior to submission. Over 230 written responses were collected and submitted to ACSI.
Wheatland’s score is higher than all 2023 investor-owned utility scores and municipal utility scores. It places Wheatland 20 points higher than the average investor-owned utility scores score of 72, as well as 21 points higher than the municipal utilities score of 71, per the industry ratings in the 2023 ACSI Utility Sector Report.
For more information, please visit www.theacsi.org.