Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head? Sometimes it is a great song and sometimes….it’s Baby Shark. You’re welcome!
In the same way that a song runs on repeat; things we say to, and about ourselves, can also form a litany that impacts our entire day. I know that I can be pretty hard on myself and much too often let the self-criticism be harsh and on a negative, continuous loop.
This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t reflect on issues, problems, or criticisms. It is to say that we can take the lesson, make changes as needed, and move forward.
In the same way, every child needs to know that they are loved, valued, and supported. Hopefully, this knowledge comes from their family but I know that it also comes in the form of neighbors, teachers, day care providers, employers, coaches, and foster care parents. Each of us can help a young person take the lesson, change their direction, and move forward on a positive path. Now, I don’t know about you but this isn’t a one-time practice for myself and, in the same way, we often need to repeat and repeat for that lesson to stick.
Several years ago, a school administrator told a group of high school students that I didn’t pull punches and I was pretty direct in my discussion with them. He was right but those students also knew that I wanted the very best outcomes for them. What they might not have known at the time is that I would also have been one of the first to cheer them on, encourage them, and prop them up when they need it most.
Our words definitely matter both internally and externally. My wish for each of you this week is to listen to the loop in your head for positive and encouraging words. It is also that you help a young person in your world to develop a loop of self-kindness, encouragement, and positive words.
Keep learning. Keep showing grace and kindness.
Michelle Beran is the 4-H Youth Development Agent in the Cottonwood Extension District. For more information on this article or other 4-H Youth Development resources, email Michelle at [email protected] or call Cottonwood Extension District – Barton Office at 620-793-1910.
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