Apr 14, 2020

USD 428 to spend nearly $270K locally for flooring bid

Posted Apr 14, 2020 8:30 PM
USD 428 will keep nearly $270,000 in the local economy by having Kustom Floor Designs handle carpet installation at Great Bend High School this summer.
USD 428 will keep nearly $270,000 in the local economy by having Kustom Floor Designs handle carpet installation at Great Bend High School this summer.

Great Bend Post

USD 428 administration was quite pleased to realize their floor bidding for Great Bend High School came under budget, and delighted that the low bid went to a local contractor.

For $269,890, Kustom Floor Designs in Great Bend will install new carpet at the high school.

The school district has spaced out replacing carpet at each of the school buildings over the last few summers. USD 428 Superintendent Khris Thexton says he has been pleased with the quality of carpet that has been going into buildings.

"Ever since we started this process, we have been buying carpet from the same company," said Thexton. "We've been able to keep the same product, installation practices, and warranties."

4-State Maintenance came in roughly $15,000 higher than Kustom Floor, and Country Carpet was nearly $3,000 higher.

The money to re-carpet the high school this summer will come from the Capital Outlay fund. Most of the carpet at the high school is located in the classrooms, library and offices.