Written by Fr. Don Bedore of the Prince of Peace Parish in Great Bend...
My dear friends, we are living in an historic, albeit troubling time. I want to assure you that Prince of Peace Parish is prepared to do all that we can to give support and aid to our people during this difficult time.
Our current situation: to inhibit the spread of the virus, Bishop John has directed that all public masses be suspended, except funeral masses. The State has also mandated that no gathering shall be attended by more than 50 people. Therefore, we have suspended all of our religious education programs, most of our commission meetings unless we can use virtual technology to limit personal contact.
The remainder of the school year for Holy Family School has also been cancelled. Our hope is that these and other measures will curtail the spread of the virus, especially to those in our community who are most at risk.
While these may be necessary steps, it is clear that things will have to be done differently.
Physical health is a major concern but Prince of Peace is also very concerned with your spiritual health. This Sunday, we will begin live streaming Holy Mass through the parish's Facebook page, Prince O Peace. Two masses will be broadcast each Sunday, English at 9 a.m. and Spanish at 10 a.m.
Other ways to maintain and strengthen your faith include watching EWTN, finding time to pray, whether the Rosary or to meditate on God's Word, and using daily meditation books. The FORMED website has many wonderful resources. These spiritual practices can help deepen our faith, hope and trust in God's presence with us.
Prince of Peace will still provide ministry to the home bound and make emergency calls. Bulletins will be available in the outside boxes at both church buildings. I want to assure you that your priests are praying for you and I would ask that you pray for us.
While the current pandemic threatens the physical health of many and the spiritual health of the faithful, it also threatens the financial health of the parish. Live streamed masses means no collections. I am grateful for your faithful support in the past and I ask you to continue to support the parish financially. If you have not signed up for on-line giving, I would strongly encourage you to do so. It is easy and safe. Go to our website, greatbendcatholic.com - click online giving tab.
If you choose to use the tithing envelops, you can mail them or put them in the mail slot in the front door of the office at St. Pat's. Please do not leave donations inside the church buildings; they will not be safe.
By God's grace, we will see our way through this crisis! Have faith! Be healthy. Be holy!
Fr. Don Bedore, Pastor