Jan 16, 2020

Lunch options galore for USD 428 students; now with an online presence

Posted Jan 16, 2020 5:23 PM

Great Bend Post

Food services staff for USD 428 typically arrive to the Central Kitchen on Broadway Avenue in Great Bend at 6 a.m. each weekday to start preparing breakfasts and lunches for the school day. Kristy Alvord, Director of Food Services for the district, says the majority of the food is cooked at the Central Kitchen and then transported to the separate school sites.

The preparation is thorough with two different lunch options at the grade schools, five choices at the middle school, and eight lunch options at the high school.

With so many options, Alvord felt it was a good idea to create a website dedicated to food services from the Great Bend school district to keep students and parents informed.

"This will tell anyone what students can eat," said Alvord. "Parents can talk to their kids in the morning by looking at the website or mobile app. Are you going to chose the #1 that is the nachos or the #2 that is the chef salad?"

Among other features, the website greatbendschoolmeals.com, allows browsers to see meal menus for the month, pre-payment options, and nutritional education. A free mobile app is available as well.

On average, USD 428 Food Services makes 2,300 lunches and 800 breakfasts each day. Alvord says her staff almost has the measurements and calculations down to a science, but any leftover meals are repurposed for extra options the following the day.

"The leftovers get brought to Central Kitchen, and then we will cool it down properly following all the food safety procedures," said Alvord. "We will reheat it the next day and the schools will get a bigger portion as a leftover item."

Alvord has noticed a decrease in the number of students that bring sack lunches to school since the addition of the second option at the grade schools. Along with the hot meal options, fresh fruit is available daily at the elementary buildings.