Jan 15, 2020

How city council meeting agendas are formulated

Posted Jan 15, 2020 9:30 PM
Citizens wanting to get an item on the Great Bend City Council agenda should contact city administration, mayor, or councilmember. 
Citizens wanting to get an item on the Great Bend City Council agenda should contact city administration, mayor, or councilmember. 

Great Bend Post

The Great Bend City Council meets on the first and third Mondays of every month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Following the consent agenda, old business, and recognition of visitors and announcements, new business items are addressed by the governing body.

So just how does the city come up with items to be placed on the agenda?

City Administrator Kendal Francis says the mayor and himself set the agenda with help from the City Clerk. If citizens wish to add an item to the agenda of a future meeting, they should contact the mayor or councilmember.

"A lot of it is my recommendation what gets placed on the agenda and some of it is business we need to take care of," said Francis. "If you were wanting to bring an item forth, you would need to go through the mayor and have it sponsored."

The next Great Bend City Council meeting is Jan. 20.