May 16, 2024

Great Bend High School offering new cybersecurity class

Posted May 16, 2024 9:00 PM

Great Bend Post

Recent attacks on computer networks affecting the Kansas Office of Judicial Administration and hospitals in Wichita have highlighted the importance of good cybersecurity. Great Bend High School students will now have the opportunity to dip their toes into the growing field with a new class offered at the school. Assistant Principal Kip Wilson presented details to the USD 428 Board of Education Monday night.

"We attended a meeting at Barton with a group called Enterprise KC, which is a non-profit organization," he said. "Basically, their goal is to create opportunities for kids and certifications and interests in cybersecurity to meet labor market needs."

Enterprise KC has secured $10 million in grants with the Kansas Department of Commerce being a large contributor. Incoming freshmen will be required to obtain two post-secondary assets by the time they graduate, and completion of this class will satisfy one of those assets. The new class is offered only to juniors and seniors, and enrollment is at about half a dozen students due to its late addition to the curriculum, but Wilson hopes to double that over the next year.

"We can provide our kids with a cybersecurity class that has no cost to kids at all," he said. "There are so many benefits that go with it with the skill building and so on. There's a Grow with Google partnership included with this, so Enterprise KC is building this with Google. With the completion of the course, there will be a cybersecurity certificate."

The students will work largely independently throughout the school day via a network provided by Enterprise KC. Hugo Gonzalez was recently hired to teach graphic design classes at GBHS and will be trained to assist the students. Board Member Aaron Emerson said a recent study showed 750,000 cybersecurity jobs are available in the United States alone.