Story by Joe Vinduska
The Barton Music Department will present a choral concert, which will also include special performances by the Barton Jazz Band at 7:30 p.m. April 18 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Admission is free.
Director of Choral Activities Dr. Eric Foley said the concert will include all Barton vocal ensembles.
“Groups will perform music from Kansas-based lyricist Charles Anthony Silvestri and his collaborations with several different contemporary choral composers,” he said. “In addition, Hilltop Singers will bring a new flavor of vocal jazz music to this concert, with a number of selections featuring vocal improvisation solos. The Jazz Band will also be a part of this concert, highlighting their work in the genre and adding vocals for a portion of their set as well. There will be something for everyone to come and enjoy.”
For more information, contact Foley at (620) 792-9395 or [email protected] or visit shows.bartonccc.edu.