May 30, 2023

GBRC: Great Bend Rec summer enrichment programs

Posted May 30, 2023 2:00 PM

From Great Bend Recreation Commission...

School is out for the summer!  Now is the time to get your child registered for a summer of fun with the Rec!  The Great Bend Recreation Commission summer programs are set to begin on the first of June and run through July.  Summer activities will be offered at the Recreation Center, Activity Center, Lincoln, Jefferson, Eisenhower and Park Schools, Veterans Park, Great Bend-Brit Spaugh Zoo, Kansas Wetlands Education Center (KWEC), and other locations throughout Great Bend. 

A variety of enrichment and recreation programs are still available for children between the grades of Kindergarten and Sophomores.  These programs include youth theatre - “The Adventures of Rikki-Tikki Tavi”, sketching, painting, general arts and crafts, cheerleading, Fourth of July crafts, science, games, tye dye, cooking classes, and outdoor experience activities.   We are also offering a variety of fun one-time classes:  Babysitting 101, Dragonfly & Flowers, Palm Trees & Ocean Breeze, I Love Ice Cream, Bee Kind Flower, USA Gnome, Sharky the Shark, 4th of July Canvas, Grab Bab Creations, What Can I Build, Split, Splat & Blue T-Shirt, My Rocking Robot, Lazy Ladybug Day, Fancy Flamingo, just to name a few.  

Make sure to check out some of our special Camps and Kids Day Out programs that are scheduled for this summer:  Fishing Fun Day, Rolling Hills Zoo, Fort Larned National Historic Site, All About Camping with KWEC, Pirate Treasure Hunt, 4th Of July, C.S.I. & Kids Safety Day Out, End of Summer Day Out, and Exploring the Great Bend-Brit Spaugh Zoo Camp. 

Preschool programs for children ages 3 to 5 will also be held at various locations in Great Bend.  These programs include Jr. All-Star, Little Artists, I’m A Little Farmer, Little Miss Bling, Dino Time, Little Chefs, Messology, I’m An Artist Too, 4th of July Fun are just a few of the fun classes we have for your little one.  We are also offering a variety of fun one-time classes:  Tractor Time, Dino Time, and My Big Truck.  In addition, we will be offering family classes for children ages 4 to 10 accompanied by an adult during the evening and on Saturday mornings.  These programs provide families with an opportunity to spend some quality time together. 

The Recreation Commission also offers adult classes for ages 16 and older.  These programs are held throughout the day from early morning to late evening:  Water Aerobics, Fit For Life (60+), Yoga, Tai Chi, Cardio Blast, HIIT Suspension, Spin Strength Stretch, Indoor Cycling, Midday Stretch & Strength, 50+ Crafts, painting, arts and crafts. 

A complete list of programs and class details can be found at the GBRC website at  Online enrollment is now available on the website.  Please contact the Recreation Commission office at 793-3755, ext 110, or stop by the office located at 1214 Stone Street for more information or with any questions you may have.