Jul 24, 2024

Ft. Larned Historic Site offering campfire program on Aug. 3

Posted Jul 24, 2024 5:00 PM
The Fort Larned National Historic Site will be hosting a campfire program from 7-8 p.m. on Aug. 3. (photo from the National Park Service)
The Fort Larned National Historic Site will be hosting a campfire program from 7-8 p.m. on Aug. 3. (photo from the National Park Service)

Great Bend Post

Some experts believe that telling stories around the campfire dates back to the 1840s. Nearly 200 years later, campfire stories are trending in the National Park Service, especially at larger parks. Ben Long, park ranger at the Fort Larned National Historic Site west of Larned, said the fort will again try its own campfire program on Saturday, Aug. 3 from 7-8 p.m.

"We did campfire programs a couple years ago with moderate success," he said. "This year, we're experimenting with some new things. Right now, it's just the one for this year but if it's met with success, hopefully we'll have more of them next year."

The focus of the campfire program will be experiences for soldiers while they were away from the fort and its luxurious solid buildings, fresh food, and light duties. Long said most of the soldiers at the fort in 1868 would have been Civil War veterans with plenty of camping tricks up their sleeves.

"With the garrison, we often talk about how soldiers lived while they were here but life away from the fort was much different," he said. "We'll talk about the equipment they used to not only survive and hopefully thrive, but how they sometimes enjoyed it as well."

No reservations are required for the Aug. 3 campfire program, though attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs and bug spray. Along with hearing the information presented, attendees can ask questions, get a hands-on feel for some of the uniforms and equipment used, and take a peek inside tents of the era.