USD 428 Board of Education meeting
Oct. 14 - 5 p.m.
1809 24th Street, Great Bend
1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Adoption of Agenda
1.3 Recognition of Visitors
1.4 Request to Speak Reminder
• Persons may present ideas or concerns regarding USD 428. The Board will take no action at this meeting. Such items will be referred to the appropriate administrator(s) for future information and researched and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. Personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The president shall determine the amount of time to be spent for citizen participation.
1.5 Citizen’s Open Forum
• Board Member Comments
• USD 428 Education Foundation
• Written Communications / Correspondence
• Congratulations to USD 428 for achieving a Bronze Graduation recognition in the 2024 Kansans Can Star Recognition Program!
• Director’s Report:
As the 2024-2025 school year begins, a monthly rotation of Directors in the district Report will present department updates to board members. The September guest director who will provide a report is Kristy Alvord, Director of Food Service.
A. Notification of Title VI B (3-21) and VI B (3-5) Early Childhood Flow-Through Budget Application
Public notification of the Title VI B and VI B ECH budget, which covers salaries for licensed special education staff, is required. The 2024-2025 application amounts to $1,120,020 for Title VI B pass-through funds ($11,400 less than the prior year) and $40,834 for ECH ($1 less than the prior year). The budget application was available for public review at the Barton County Cooperative of Special Education for thirty days. The administration recommends approval.
A. Approval of Local Consolidated Plan Allocation
The 2024-2025 Local Consolidated Plan (LCP) amounts total $1,220,792 which compares to a prior-year total of $1,232,981. The administration recommends board approval to make state and federal program allocations for 2024-2025. Programs with the allocated amounts are listed below.
Title I - Improving Education Programs - $913,407
Title II - A Supporting Effective Instruction - $122,999
Title III - English Learner and Immigrant Programs - $45,530
Title IVA - Grants for Student Support/Academic Enrichment - $55,856
Title I Part C - Migrant - $83,000
Total - $1,220,792
B. Sale of Surplus Property
The administration recommends board approval to request and accept sealed bids for the sale of the property at 2019 12th Street in Great Bend, KS. A reserve has been set, and the building is offered "as is where is" with no warranties expressed or implied. Submission of a bid indicates the buyer's desire to purchase the building at the bid price for the building in its current condition. Bids must be received by Nov. 6 at 1 p.m. The district reserves the right to refuse all bids that do not meet the appraised value of the building. With board approval, a public notice with bid details will be posted in the Great Bend Tribune. Interested parties may contact John Popp at the District Education Center for more information.
A. October Professional Development
Mrs. Blevins will share details of the content for the three professional development sessions that licensed staff will attend.
B. Adoption Updates
Mrs. Blevins will provide an update on curriculum resource adoptions currently happening throughout the district.
C. Kansas Reads to Preschoolers
USD 428's Little Panthers Preschool program is participating in the State Library of Kansas' 2024 Kansas Reads to Preschoolers event. This is an addition to our GB Reads Initiative, specifically targeting preschoolers. This year's preschool book selection is How Do You Hug a Porcupine? by Laurie Isop, illustrated by Gwen Millward.
D. Family Engagement Update
Mrs. Blevins will provide an update on the district’s family engagement efforts and activities.
E. After-school Program Update
Mrs. Blevins will share an update regarding the elementary after-school program.
F. Curriculum Meetings
▪ Curriculum Steering Committee: 9/10/24 minutes, next meeting 11/5/24
▪ Professional Development Council (PDC): 9/9/24 minutes, next meeting 11/4/24
A. Lincoln Elementary Damages
Mr. Popp will update board members on recent water damage at Lincoln Elementary.
B. Public School Works training
The Public School Works program automatically assigns annual state and federallymandated training courses to our staff in an online testing format. Staff members have completed over 10,000 training modules ranging from fire extinguisher safety to suicide prevention and continue to do a fantastic job completing the assigned pieces of training on time.
C. District Flu Vaccination Clinics
For several years, USD 428 Nurses have collaborated with the Barton County Health Department to offer BCHD Flu Vaccination Clinics in each school building for students and staff. Flu vaccinations will be processed through each individual’s insurance company. Mr. Popp will share some clinic statistics with board members.
D. Personnel Report
Recruiting quality teachers for the 2025-26 school year has already begun, with upcoming recruiting fairs scheduled for virtual and in-person recruiting. In addition, new teachers graduating in December will be considered for employment now for positions currently filled by long-term substitute teachers until a permanent job is available.
E. Project Updates
Board members and the administration will discuss updates on the following projects.
▪ Sale of properties update
▪ District Surplus Sale update
A. Enrollment Numbers Update
B. Bus Safety Week, Oct. 21-25, 2024, “Safety First, Safety Always”
C. Anti-Bullying Awareness Month October is a month-long event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
D. Student/Family Presentation: Value UP by Mike Donahue
Mike Donahue is the founder and director of Value Up, a motivational company based in Kearney, Nebraska, that focuses on positive school culture. Mike will present to both the middle and high schools on October 28-29, with a parent presentation on the evening of Oct. 28.
E. Approval of Grants / Contributions
A. Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes [September 9, 2024, September 20, 2024, and September 25, 2024]
B. Bills and Financial Reports
C. Personnel Report
•BOE Luncheon Meeting: at noon on October 30, 2024 (Little Panthers Preschool)
•BOE Regular Meeting: The next BOE regular monthly meeting is scheduled for November 11, 2024, at the District Education Center.
•Annual KASB Convention: on November 15-17, 2024, in Wichita, KS