Oct 03, 2023

Barton Co. treasurer's office moving to first floor of courthouse

Posted Oct 03, 2023 3:14 PM
Barton County Commissioners approved a change order during Tuesday's meeting that will move the treasurer's office from the second floor to the first floor of the Barton County Courthouse once HVAC renovations are complete.
Barton County Commissioners approved a change order during Tuesday's meeting that will move the treasurer's office from the second floor to the first floor of the Barton County Courthouse once HVAC renovations are complete.

Great Bend Post

Many a party guest has been entertained by a game of musical chairs. Barton County will play its own version of the game at the Barton County Courthouse. As part of the HVAC Renovation Project, several offices will change locations. Most notably, the treasurer's office will move from the second floor to the first. Commission Chair Shawn Hutchinson called it the easiest and least expensive way to accommodate the public.

"Every department is equally as important here in Barton County," he said. "I truly believe that. But, 90 percent of our foot traffic is going to the treasurer. Bringing that to the ground floor makes a lot of sense. It takes wear and tear off our elevator; it puts less people trying to go up and down those stairs."

County Administrator Matt Patzner said the moves will add $226,778.76 to the renovation cost. Much of that will come from remodeling to current administrator and human resources office on the first floor to house the treasurer's office.

"To facilitate the move, it is suggested Emergency Risk Management occupy room 102, the administrator and human resources occupy room 108, and the engineer and mapping be moved to room 206 where the treasurer's office was," Patzner told the commission.

The treasurer's office and most county operations were moved to the former JC Penney building at 1500 Kansas Ave in July. County personnel was set to tour the old courthouse building for updates Tuesday morning.