Oct 31, 2022

Halloween safety tips from Barton Co. Health Director

Posted Oct 31, 2022 8:50 PM

Last minute Halloween safety tips from Barton County Health Director Karen Winkelman:

- Stay in neighborhoods that are familiar to you.
- Avoid going out alone.
- Start early and don’t stay out late.
- Walk, don’t run, between houses.
- Only cross the street at corners or crosswalks.
- Look both ways before crossing the street and walk on sidewalks, avoiding yards and streets where possible.
- Plan your route ahead of time to stay on the same side of the street (versus zigzagging back and forth).
- Keep your family in sight at all times and stay together as a household.
- Plan to have a meeting spot in case you get split up.
- Only approach homes that have a porch light on (or are obviously accepting trick or treaters).
- Double-check your shoes are tied and wear shoes that are easy to walk in.
- If inclement weather is in the forecast, consider staying home.