Great Bend Post
Rickee Maddox was appointed to the Great Bend City Council last August to fill a vacancy in the Ward 4 representation. Seeking a full, two-year term, Maddox won last fall’s election. Her election win left the previously appointed seat open again.
Great Bend Mayor Cody Schmidt and the rest of the council took care of the vacancy Monday night by appointing Tina Mingenback to the seat.
"Last week, Rickie Maddox, Jolene Biggs and myself interviewed two candidates for the 4th Ward appointment," said Schmidt. "After doing the interviews, meeting with both parties, it's a unanimous decision to go to council to appoint Tina Mingenback to fill the 4th Ward seat."
City Clerk Shawna Schafer issued the oath of office to Mingenback at Monday’s meeting. Mingenback’s term will end January 2025.