Jun 19, 2023

Great Bend City Council meeting agenda (6/14)

Posted Jun 19, 2023 12:00 AM

Great Bend City Council meeting
June 19  -  6:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers

The council meeting will be livestreamed for the public to view on the city council Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/gbcitycouncil/.


Opening: Pledge of Allegiance

A. Consent Agenda

B. Old Business

C. Recognition of Visitors and Announcements
   The public is free to comment on items not listed on the agenda. Comments should be limited to three minutes.

D. New Business

   1. Councilmember Reports

   2. Interim Administrator's Update

   3. CVB / Community Coordinator Report

   4. Abatements

   5. Lease for Expo I and II to the Barton County Fair Board
      The Fair Board presently leases Expo III from the city and has indicated that it is willing to take over the operation and maintenance of Expo I and II under a lease with the city. The payment will be $1 per year. The term of the lease is for 20 years.

   6. AMI Change Order
      The change order is for additional parts to finish the AMI water meter project. The money will come from the equipment maintenance budget. The city is hoping to have the project finished by July 3. The change order for additional parts from Zenner is for $31,995.

   7. Splash Pad Design & Construction
      Staff has been working with Athco for the design and construction of a new splash pad north of the bathrooms at Veterans Memorial Park. The proposed splash pad is 50'10" x 70'10". The bid from Athco is for $680,000.

   8. Executive Session
      An executive session has been requested to seek legal advice for pending legal matters.
