Kansas Tourism, a division of the Kansas Department of Commerce, today announced $117,780 has been awarded in the 2023 Tourism Marketing Grant Awards Program. The grants are designed to assist local tourism organizations or attractions in new or first-time innovative marketing initiatives. The Great Bend Convention and Visitors Bureau was awarded a $2,849 grant. Russell County Economic Development & CVB received $3,280.
Kansas Tourism will provide funding for 22 projects to enhance and expand advertising efforts to attract new visitors to Kansas and to their destinations.
“Supporting tourist attractions and unique local events across the state just makes good business sense,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “Kansas benefits greatly from the $11.2B in total economic impact that the travel and tourism generates annually, and the Department of Commerce will continue providing marketing assistance that helps increase that impact.”
“We are proud to provide support to our dedicated tourism industry partners through these marketing grants,” Kansas Tourism Director Bridgette Jobe said. “Increasing visitation to these exciting destinations boosts local economies in a variety of ways.”
Applications were reviewed by a committee of Kansas Tourism representatives. Funding through this partnership with Kansas Tourism is intended to increase travel to tourism destination sites while enhancing the state’s image. This grant leverages Kansas Tourism’s resources and extends the marketing reach of local communities.
To view the complete list of awardees, click here.
For more information about Kansas Tourism grants, click here or contact Kansas Tourism Grant Program Manager Carrie Doud here.
Funding for Kansas Tourism grants is provided by the Economic Development Initiatives Fund (EDIF), which is derived from state lottery proceeds.
About the Kansas Tourism Division:
The mission of the Kansas Tourism Division is to inspire travel to and throughout Kansas to maximize the positive impacts that tourism has on our state and local communities. Kansas Tourism is a division of the Kansas Department of Commerce and works hand in hand with other Commerce community programs to elevate and promote Kansas as a tourist destination. Kansas Tourism oversees all tourism marketing and PR for the state, produces travel publications and advertising, manages state Travel Information Centers, manages both the Kansas By-ways program and the Kansas Agritourism program, produces the KANSAS! Magazine, and provides financial and educational support to the tourism industry in Kansas through grants, education, and support.