Jun 10, 2024

USD 428 school board meeting agenda (6/10)

Posted Jun 10, 2024 12:00 AM

June 10  -  5 p.m.
1809 24th Street, Great Bend


   1.1 Roll Call
   1.2 Adoption of Agenda
   1.3 Recognition of Visitors
   1.4 Request to Speak Reminder
      · Persons may present ideas or concerns regarding USD 428. The Board will take no action at this meeting. Such items will be referred to the appropriate administrator(s) for future information and researched and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. Personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. The president shall determine the amount of time to be spent on citizen participation.
   1.5 Citizen’s Open Forum

   · HOSA Trip Proposal
      HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a national student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division that promotes career opportunities in the healthcare industry and biomedical sciences. Six GBHS HOSA students competed and qualified for the International Leadership Conference in Houston, TX. HOSA sponsor Mr. Joseph Bliven, GBHS Science teacher, will provide a schedule and a proposed budget for the trip and request approval to attend.

   · Advanced Theatre Trip Highlights
      Holly Johnson, Drama Club sponsor, will provide an update and slideshow highlighting the recent Advanced Theater trip to Branson, MO.

   · Perfect Attendance Bike Give-Away Program
      A special note of appreciation is extended to Karen Shaner, Jane Isern, and several local donors and volunteers for providing twenty-nine bikes to the Perfect Attendance Bike Give-Away program. Over the past twelve years, the group has organized and contributed dozens of bicycles given away as perfect attendance incentives to USD 428 elementary students. Thank you to all participants who make this program possible!

   · Board Member Comments
   · USD 428 Education Foundation
   · Written Communications / Correspondence

   A. Approval of 2024-2025 Little Panther Handbook
      The 2024-2025 Little Panther Preschool handbook has been updated to include current information regarding the consolidation of the three district preschool programs. LPP Principal Tandi Jo Mai will briefly discuss the LPP handbook; the administration recommends approval.

   B. Approval of Gym Floor Bid
      The Great Bend High School gymnasium floors are due for refinishing. The administration will review bid results for a flooring company to sand and refinish the 9,000 sq ft area and will make a recommendation for approval.

   A. Athletic Trainer Discussion
      Mr. Matt Westerhaus, GBHS Activities Director, will discuss the vacant position for an athletic trainer and the procedure to fill the position before the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. More information will be provided at the meeting.

   B. Approval of 2024-2025 KASB Risk Management
      The contract premium for KASB Risk Management Workers Compensation for 2024-2025 is $117,636, however, KASB offers a loyalty credit to participants who agree to a three-year agreement, offering a 10% savings the first year, 5% the second year, and 3% the third year. The premium for the 2024-2025 year with the first year 10% loyalty credit of $11,764 applied is $105,872. Last year’s premium was $113,819. The administration recommends approval of the discounted $105,872 premium.

   C. Approval of 2024-2025 District Property Insurance
      The Kansas Educational Risk Management Pool (KERMP) is a member-owned consortium comprising public K-12 Kansas school districts. The insurance renewal quote for $469,701.05 for the 2024-2025 school year has a .64% from the previous year in the amount of $2,998.85. Mr. Thexton will present details and make an approval recommendation to the Board.

   D. First Reading of BOE Policy
      BOE members are receiving copies of the following 18 policies, which are being presented as first readings. The policies will be returned to the BOE at a subsequent meeting for action. (NT=New Title, TC=Title change)

Deleted BBG Consultants
Revision BCBK Executive Session
Revision-form BCBK Executive Session (sample motions/revised form)
Revision/NT CJ Use of Consultants
Revision CL Administrative Teams
New EBBG Cardiac Emergency Response Planning
Revision EE Food Service
Revision/NT GARIA Parental, Family, or Marital Status and Pregnant and Parenting Employees
Revision/NT GAAC Sex Discrimination - staff
Revision ID Instructional Program
Revision IF Textbooks Instructional Materials and Media Center
Revision JBCC Enrollment of Nonresident Students
Revision-form JBE Truancy-Waiver of Compulsory Attendance Form
Revision/NT JGEC Sex Discrimination – students
New JGECAA Parental, Family, or Marital Status and Pregnancy or
   Related Conditions: Students
Revision JGFGA Administration of Emergency Opioid Antagonists
Revision JH Student Activities
Revision KK Disposal of District Property

   E. Communication Table
      Mr. Thexton will discuss a KASB Communication Table program provided by the Kansas Association of School Boards.

   F. Approval of Lexia Power Up for GBHS Reading Intervention:
      The administration seeks approval to purchase a subscription to Lexia PowerUp Literacy for use at GBHS for students in need of reading intervention.

   G. Approval of Flashlight360 Pilot Program
      The administration seeks approval to conduct a pilot of the Flashlight360 program at Riley Elementary and Great Bend High School of its English language acquisition progress monitoring tool. The pilot will allow the district to determine if Flashlight360 would be a good fit for the district's PreK-12 English Language program.

Approval of 2024-2025 Fees

   H. Approval of Elementary, Middle School, and High School Fees for 2024-2025
      Please note the proposed schedule of enrollment fees for students in grades K-12. The administration recommends the following proposed meal fees for the 2024-2025 school year.

         2023-2024, Proposed 2024-2025, Difference
            Pre-K / Kdg $40.00, $40.00, No change
            Grades 1-6 55.00, 55.00, No change
            Grades 7-8 60.00, 60.00, No change
            Grades 9-12 95.00, 95.00, No change

         Additional Fees (do not qualify for Free/Reduced status)
            HS/MS Activity Pass $30.00, $30.00, No change
            MS Technology Fee 5.00, 5.00, No change
            HS Technology Fee 10.00, 10.00, No change

   I. Approval of 2024-2025 Meal Prices
      Below are proposed school meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year, indicating the following price increases. In addition, the milk fee may be changed based on upcoming bid pricing. The administration recommends approval.

         LUNCH 2023-2024, Proposed 2024-2025, Difference
            Preschool $1.85, $2.35, $.50 increase
            Elementary Schools 2.00, 2.50, .50 increase
            GB Middle School 2.30, 2.80, .50 increase
            GB High School 2.35, 2.85, .50 increase
            Bright Beginnings Daycare NA, 3.50, new contract
            Holy Family 3.00, 3.50, 50 increase
            Adults 4.00, 4.50, .50 increase
            Reduced Prices .40, .40, No increase
            Milk .50, .50, Possible increase

         BREAKFAST 2023-2024 Proposed 2024-2025 Difference
            Bright Beginnings Daycare NA, $1.50
            Students (PK-12) $1.25, $1.50, .25 increase
            Adults 2.20, 2.50, .30 increase
            Reduced Prices .30, .30, No increase

   J. Approval of 2023-2024 Mileage Reimbursement Rate for district parents/guardians
      USD 428 pays mileage reimbursement to qualified parents/guardians for transporting students to and from their assigned attendance center. Eligibility is based on the completion of the application of students residing 2.5 miles or more from the designated attendance center and living outside the city limits of Great Bend but within the district’s boundaries. Ninety nine families participated, transporting 183 students, a total of 180,696 miles. The administration recommends a per-mile reimbursement rate of 54 cents 

   A. 2024 Summer School
      Summer school is in session from 8:30-11:30, June 3 - June 28, for select students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The district offers a complimentary breakfast and lunch for students.

   B. District Needs Assessment
      The district administration has collected completed building needs assessments in order to draft the 2024 USD 428 District Needs Assessment that will be used to assist in setting budget and district priorities for 2024-2025.

   C. Beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
      · July 30-31 – Capturing Kids Hearts Training for new licensed staff
      · August 1-2 – Enrollment
      · August 1-2, 5-7 – New Teacher Orientation (5 Days)
      · August 8-9 – Teacher Inservice
      · August 8 – District Kick-Off/Business Showcase
      · August 12-13 – Teacher Workdays
      · August 14 – First Day of Classes – K-6, Grades 7, 9
      · August 15 – First Day of Classes – Grades 8, 10-12

   D. Curriculum Meeting Minutes
      § Curriculum Steering Committee: Minutes: 5/7/24
      § Professional Development Council (PDC): Minutes: 5/13/24, 6/3/24. Next meeting 8/12/24

   A. District Inventory
      The inventory crew has new scanners and software, and after having worked with the professional scanning company last year, is set to complete the district inventory in June/July. The inventory is not a classroom supply type inventory. The district property insurance requires us to have a listing of any item $500 or greater in value for an accurate accounting in case of a large-scale disaster

   B. Student Withdrawal Report
      Mr. Popp will present data and discuss trends of students who have dropped out or withdrawn from GBHS this past school year.

   C. Project Updates
      § Little Panthers Preschool, District Office
      § Summer Projects

   D. Personnel Report
      Below is a summary of personnel details.
         · 63 position changes
         · 9 Retirements
         · 14 Resignations
         · 11 Transfers
         · 22 new-to-district hires
         · 0 position reductions
         · 3 positions added 3 LPP Preschool, 1 RISE teacher, 1 RISE STA
         · Positions yet to be hired: 10 Instructional Support, 2 Student Teachers


   A. Legislative Update
      The Legislature has wrapped up their sessions. Mr. Thexton will discuss current Legislative issues affecting school districts, including possible tax cuts.

   B. Summer Meal Update
      In June and July, USD 428 food service will provide a complimentary breakfast and lunch for all students up to age 18.

   C. Communities That Care
      The Communities that Care survey is provided annually at no charge to all public and private Kansas school districts for administration to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and takes one class period to administer. The survey examines factors that put students at risk for substance abuse, academic failure, and other negative outcomes, as well as the factors that protect students from those outcomes. This data is important to schools because reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors are correlated with increased student achievement.

   D. KSDE Budget Workshop
      Mr. Thexton and other administrative staff plan to attend the annual KSDE Budget Workshop, which will be held on June 20 in Hutchinson, KS.

   E. Schedule Special BOE Meeting
      Mr. Thexton requests that the BOE will set a brief special meeting at the District Education Center in late June, possibly June 26, for the administration to propose expenditures, transfers, and closing balances for the 2023-2024 budget.

   F. Approval of Grants / Contributions


   The Board of Education will recess into executive session.
      “Madam President, I move the Board recess to executive session to discuss the latest proposal for increasing the increasing the base pay rate pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA. The open meeting will resume in this Board room at : P.M.”

   A. Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes (May 13, 2024)
   B. Acceptance of Bills and Financial Reports
   C. Personnel Report
   D. 2024-2025 Fees (5.H through 5.J)
   E. Acceptance of Negotiated Agreement
   F. Classified Pay Adjustment
   G. Director Contracts
   H. Administrative Contracts

   The Board of Education will recess into executive session. No action is expected after the session.
      “Madam President, I move the Board recess to executive session to discuss employee evaluation pursuant to non-elected personnel exception under KOMA. The open meeting will resume in this Board room at : P.M.”

   •BOE Special Meeting 7:30 a.m., on June 26, at the District Education Center.
   •BOE Regular Meeting The next BOE regular monthly meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2024, at the District Education Center.