May 25, 2023

Riley, Thexton appointed to Juvenile Services Advisory Board

Posted May 25, 2023 6:00 PM

Great Bend Post

Action was light at Wednesday's Barton County Commission meeting. The board heard from Bob Wetmore with Great Plains Development, Inc., though no action was required. Approval was needed for a request from Juvenile Services Director Marissa Woodmansee.

"Our Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board is made up of 12 individuals across the district of Barton, Russell, Rice, Stafford, and Ellsworth counties," she said. "Specifically today, I'm here to ask for the approval of two board appointments in the educational sector."

Great Bend Middle School Principal David Reser and USD 428 Director of Special Education Christie Gerdes both announced they would be leaving the district at the close of the school year. Woodmansee asked they be replaced on the advisory board by new Director of Barton County Special Services Ashley Riley, and USD 428 Secondary Teacher Representative Rachel Thexton.

The Juvenile Services advisory board typically meets every other month, but Woodmansee said there can be exceptions.

"For example, one of the things and projects we had last year was updating our MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Department of Children and Families, which had a great impact on our relationship with law enforcement," she said. "I actually asked for a subsection of our law enforcement representatives to come together and have some conversation. That group met every month from July through probably October."

Riley and Thexton were appointed to uncompensated terms that will expire June 30, 2026.