Dec 27, 2023

Barton County Commission meeting agenda (12/28)

Posted Dec 27, 2023 10:00 PM

The Commission meeting will be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. Citizens may view the meeting through their own sign in or by signing in “anonymously”. Please follow this link: If you wish to participate in the discussion of any item, please call (620) 793-1800 for instructions.

Dec. 28 - 9 a.m. until close of Budget Amendment Hearing
1500 Kansas Avenue, Great Bend

-Matt Patzner, County Administrator, will present details. This Budget Amendment Hearing has been scheduled to receive comments relative to amending the 2023 Operating Budget for the following Barton County Funds – General Fund, Road and Bridge Fund and 911 Tax Fund. Despite the efforts of elected officials and department heads, budget estimates must be adjusted so that funds fall within budgetary laws.

The Budget Amendments will now be presented to the Barton County Commission to receive public comment.


Agenda Meeting
Thursday, December 28
Following the close of the Budget Amendment Hearing Until Close

   A. Call Meeting to Order.
   B. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
   C. Consider Approval of the Agenda.
   D. Consider the minutes of the December 12, 2023, Regular Meeting.
      Minutes of the December 19, 2023, Regular Meeting, are not available.
   E. Any citizen wishing to make statements during the discussion of any item must first be recognized by the Commission Chair. After being recognized, that person should state their name and the name of any organization represented. Statements should be limited to five minutes.
   F. Please silence all phones and electronic devices. Recording the meeting is allowed and the Commission requests that anyone using special recording equipment be seated in the back row to avoid creating a distraction during the meeting.

II. OLD BUSINESS - Items tabled, or scheduled, from previous Commission Meetings, will be heard at this time.
   -There is no Old Business at this time.

III. NEW BUSINESS - All new business to be considered by the Commission will be heard at this time.

      -Mr. Patzner will present details. The Budget Amendment Hearing for the 2023 Operating Budget for Barton County was conducted prior to this Regular Agenda Meeting. The Commission is now asked to consider amendments that will allow for the current budget to cover the operating expenses and possible transfers to reserves of unanticipated revenue for the General Fund, Road and Bridge Fund and 911 Tax Fund.

      -Mr. Patzner will provide details. Barton County received notice that EMC would no longer provide coverage for the County beginning in 2024. This resulted in a search for a provider. On December 12, 2023, the Commissioner interviewed personnel from Copeland Insurance and World Insurance Associates.

      -Mr. Patzner will provide details. It was announced earlier this year that Amy Miller, Emergency Risk Manager, was to retire at year end. The Commission will consider issuing a Letter of Appreciation. At the same time, the Commission will announce appointments to open positions.

   D. COUNTY ENGINEER: Bridge Replacement – Off-System Bridge No. 202, East Barton County Road at the Wet Walnut Creek:
      -Mr. Patzner will provide details. In 2019, the Commission authorized Kirkham Michael and Associates, Inc., to provide the design work to replace Off-System Bridge No. 202 that was built in 1924. Final design was completed and the construction project was being advertised for bids when the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) announced their new Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program (KLBIP). The bidding process was cancelled, and after applying for a project under the KLBIP, the County was awarded funding that covers 85% of the construction costs. With additional work required, Kirkham Michael has now submitted the final design cost of $52,010.61. The Commission will consider approval of an additional $2,410.61 as $49,600.00 was encumbered in 2019.

      -Chairman Shawn Hutchinson will present. Any Commissioner may make a motion for the board to recess to executive session at this time as allowed by K.S.A. 75-4319. Any motion must contain the justification for the executive session, the subject matter to be discussed, any individuals in addition to the board who will attend the executive session and the time at which the regular session shall resume.

V. ENDING BUSINESS – After new items are heard by the Commission, the following items, including announcements, will be heard.

      -Following the close of the Agenda Meeting, the Commission will consider the authorization of personnel changes for classified positions, sign any documentation approved during the agenda meeting or sign any other documentation required for regular County business. Similar action may take place throughout the day.      -County officials, individually or in groups, may visit the Courthouse or those buildings being used for displaced Courthouse offices during the HVAC improvement project. With the Courthouse located at 1400 Main, other buildings being used for housing are 1520 Main and 1709 Main, Great Bend, Kansas.
      -Barton County Office Buildings will be closed Monday, January 1, 2024, in observance of the New Year’s holiday. The Landfill, the Records Division of the Sheriff’s Office and the Health Department will also be closed during this time. Emergency services will be in normal operation.

      -No appointments have been scheduled.

   A. Discussion Items.
   B. Citizens or organizations may present requests or proposals for initial consideration.
   C. The Commissioners are available to the Public on Tuesdays during regular business hours.
   D. One or more Commissioners may be present in the Commission Chambers conducting county business throughout the day on Tuesdays.
   E. The Commissioners may, individually, schedule personal appointments related to County business at their discretion.
   F. The next Regular Meeting will be at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 2, 2024.