May 31, 2021

UNRUH: Get caught reading

Posted May 31, 2021 2:00 PM
<b>written by: Berny Unruh - Family and Community Wellness agent for the Cottonwood Extension District.</b>
written by: Berny Unruh - Family and Community Wellness agent for the Cottonwood Extension District.

Did you know that May was National Get Caught Reading Month? Wouldn’t summer be a great time to get the reading habit started in your family? I realize I mention this subject often but there is always more to learn about it!

Supporting the healthy development of the young child’s brain is both a tremendous opportunity and an awesome responsibility. There are many things that can be done to support a child’s healthy brain development, beginning before birth and continuing until the child is older. Studies have shown that children who read with their parents usually do better in school.

Simple things such as talking to your baby and interacting face-to-face builds the brain connections needed for both language skills and a healthy emotional bond. Hearing adults read helps the brain develop language connections. It also gives parents and babies a chance to spend time together.

Here are some tips to follow to help make reading together more rewarding: Try to read a book or story to your child every day so it becomes a habit for you and them. Point out the words as you read them and have your child point to them too. As the child gets older, have your children turn the pages for you. Discuss the story as you go along and answer any questions. If your child gets restless, choose another story or postpone the reading until later.

Take your child to the library or bookstore to pick out a book together. When your child brings you a book, read it together as soon as possible. And last but not least, let your child play with books and always have them around.

Berny Unruh is the Family and Community Wellness Agent for the Cottonwood Extension District. She can be reached at 785-628-9430 or at [email protected].