Jul 31, 2023

Kansas Wetlands Ed Center hosts field biology camp

Posted Jul 31, 2023 9:00 PM

From the Kansas Wetlands Education Center...

Today we hosted a Field Biology Day Camp for middle school and high school students. We could not have done it without the experts in their fields.

Tom Bidrowski, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Migratory Game Bird Program Manager, and his summer seasonal Evan, took the campers Mourning Dove Banding. They found that field work can be muddy and sometimes leave you empty handed. The first few stops yielded non-target birds in the traps, including Grackles, Red-headed Woodpeckers, and Blue Jays. Things turned around and the campers each got to experience banding, aging, sexing, and releasing a dove!

Fort Hays State University Graduate Student, Sonja Brandt, talked about the research she is doing with Cliff Swallows. Her banding techniques are similar, but uses a mist net to capture the birds she studies.

Rob Penner, Avian Conservation Manager at The Nature Conservancy, talked with campers about a very innovative conservation tool being introduced to the Cheyenne Bottoms Nature Preserve. They are using virtual fencing to move the cattle they use to create shorebird habitat. Check out the newest "Whatcha Doing Rob (and Elsi)" video about the project in the comments!

Jason Wagner, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area Manager, helped the campers install 7 Wood Duck houses near Wet Walnut Creek. This project will promote the cavity nesting habits on the Wood Duck.

Campers also participated in a telemetry exercise and enjoyed birdwatching in the wetlands!